TROUBLE WITH BRITAIN After a long war between France and Britain the British needed money. The parliament started to pass more taxes on the 13 colonies. The colonist protested boycotted or refused to buy against the Stamp Act. The British repealed the Stamp Act. Charles Townshed passed the Townshed Acts. The British passed the Townshed Acts which taxed glass, lead, paint, and tea. In Boston, MA patriots dumped British tea in Boston Harbor which was nicknamed the Boston Tea Party. In Greenwich, NJ another tea party took place. William Franklin supported the British but got arrested later on.
The Quartering act allowed British troops to go and live in the colonists homes. The colonial leaders needed to do something about it. Philadelphia, PA the First Continental Congress took place there. The First Continental Congress is when delegates or representatives from 12 colonies except Georgia come to address the colonist concerns. The Declaration of Rights is a document which stated their main concerns and wishes. Minutemen were members of the militia in Massachusetts. In Lexington, MA Minutemen were ordered by British to arrest two Americans,but instead fought instead the British but lost. In Concord, MA the colonist won the British. In Second Continental Congress important decisions took place like the Continental Army with George Washington in commander in chief.
Lesson 2 Part 2 Loyalist are people that supported the British. Patriots are people who supported freedom from the British.
Declaring Independence Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and was the 3 rd president of the USA. The Declaration of Independence is a document which gave America it’s independence.
Lesson 3 Part 2 The Declaration of Independence was told at the Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA. John Witherspoon was one of the New Jerseyans who signed the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin was part of the Declaration of Independence and treasoned the British.
Acknoledgments Thank you Mr. MacPhee