Group 8 Anthony McCorvey Ronnie Lalchan Chris Beck George Thompson
Problem The power companies are converting the old mechanical meters to Smart meters. Wireless Communication Accurate Readings KWH every hour Power Factor Connect/Disconnect No jobs for meter readers Hiring untrained contractors Cheaper Looking for a cost efficient method to train contractors
Goals To design a product that the power companies can use for their renovations Cost efficient Safe User Friendly Test and Train
Software Objective Create a Interface to compliment the Training Simulation To allow the user to interact with the system and give feed back. To give a visual reference to the user of his or her actions Approve or Decline Users Certification
Software Parts FPGA Micro Controller Keyboard (OP) Voltage Chip (OP) LCD Screen
PCB 2 layer PCB.10” traces Ground plane Using PCB Express Designing Schematic Designing PCB
Microcontroller Vs. FPGA PIC16F876A ATmega168 FPGA Basys
ATmega168 FeaturesATmega168 I/0 Pins23 Memory TypeFLASH Program Memory (KB)16 EEPROM (Bytes)512 SRAM (KB)1 Operating Voltage5.5 Volts
PIC16F876A FeaturesPIC16F876A I/0 Pins22 Memory TypeFLASH Program Memory (KB)14 EEPROM (Bytes)256 SRAM (KB)0.359 Operating Voltage5.5 Volts
FPGA Basys FeaturesFPGA Basys I/0 Pins24 Memory TypeFLASH Program Memory (KB)72 EEPROM (Bytes)- SRAM (KB)72 Operating Voltage3.3 Volts
Microcontroller Vs. FPGA FeaturesATmega168PIC16F876AFPGA Basys I/0 Pins Memory TypeFLASH Program Memory (KB) EEPROM (Bytes) SRAM (KB) Operating Voltage5.5 Volts 3.3 Volts We have chosen the ATmega168
Either Or FPGA – Spartan 3E Switches/Power Box duality Buttons Mini-LCD Difficulty Programming /Missing Exp. MicroController – Arduino Program C All Parts Inc. / also Cheap
LCD Code lcd.clear(); lcd.print('.'); delay(100); lcd.cursorTo(2, 0); //line=2, x=0. lcd.printIn("Score: 6/7"); delay(1000);
Main System Code
Mounted Visual Image.
Apparel Keyboard – User will input found voltage. Power Chip – will get the exact voltage from the system as user will have no need to input them.
Design Requirements Hardware Meter Cans Potential Transformers Variable Transformer Toggle Switches Fuses Control Box
Thinking about the Design PhaseConfiguration Phase to Ground Phase 1 to Phase 2 Phase 2 to Phase 3 and Phase 3 to Phase 1 *Power leg to Ground Single Phase Delta 120 Volts 240 Volts Three Phase Delta 120 Volts 240 Volts 208 Volts Single Phase Wye 120 Volts 208 Volts Three Phase Wye 120 Volts 208 Volts 2 Phase Configurations Delta Wye Single Phase Three Phase How can we convert single phase to three phase? Rotary motors etc Too expensive Defeats our goal “Trick the Voltage” That’s when Simulator was added to the name
Meter Cans (3) Single Phase Meter Cans 2 Wire Delta Junction Meter 3 Wire Delta 3 Wire Wye LED Lights (2) Three Phase Meter Cans (2) Three Phase Meter Cans 4 Wire Delta 4 Wire Delta 4 Wire Wye 4 Wire Wye LED Lights LED Lights
Potential Transformers 6 total potential transformers 3 Step-down PT’s “Configuration” 115:50 (Phase to Phase - Delta) and (Phase to Ground – Delta and Wye) 115:80 (Stinger leg Delta) 115:42 (Phase to Phase – Wye) 3 Step-Up PT’s “Multiplier” 2.4:1
Step-Up PT Schematic Secondary Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Primary S3 Voltmeter S3
Voltage Calculations Phase to Ground for Wye and Delta (115:50) 50 x 2.4 = 120 Volts Power leg to Ground (Delta) (115:80) 80 x 2.4 = 192 Volts Specific to needs Phase to Phase for Wye to Delta Subtractive Polarity Delta 50 x 2.4 = 120 volts Different terminals 120 <0 – 120 <180 = 240 Volts Wye (115:42) 42 x 2.4 = Volts <0 – <180 = Volts
Control Box Variable Transformer 4 Fuses (1) 5 Amps (3) 2 Amps ON/OFF switch Safety Precautions 5 toggle switches for selection of configuration 3PDT
Delta Single Phase Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Phase 1&2 to Ground UpUpUpUpDown Phase 1 to Phase 2 UpUpUpUpDown Delta Three Phase Phase 1&2 to Ground UpUpUpUpDown Power Leg to Ground UpUpUpUpUp Phase 1 to Phase 2 UpUpUpUpDown Phase 1 to Power Leg UpUpUpDownDown Phase 2 to Power Leg UpUpUpDownDown Delta Switching Sequence
Wye Switching Sequence Wye Single Phase Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Phase 1&2 to Ground UpDownUpDownDown Phase 1 to Phase 2 DownDownDownUpDown Wye Three Phase Phase 1,2,&3 to Ground UpDownUpDownDown Phase 1 to Phase 2 DownDownDownUpDown Phase 1 to Phase 3 DownDownDownDownDown Phase 2 to Phase 3 DownDownDownDownDown
Phase Converter Simulator Hardware 1
Switches to Relays Microcontroller changes configurations Eliminates need for the user to know switch combination Configurations can switch with feedback signal
Feedback Two ideas for feedback: 1 st idea: User input – User would answer questions given by through a wireless keyboard 2 nd idea Signal from voltmeter – After user test voltage, the signal from the voltmeter would be sent to microcontroller
Feedback With a Voltmeter Obtain voltmeter used in the field and its specs Receive signal from display and step it down so that microcontroller can process
Requirements Relays require 9.6 V to 14 V to operate Microcontroller is limited to signals of.5 amps
Power Supply is connected to relays Microcontroller connected to ground
Microcontroller connected to GND to control and adjust ground Switch placed between relays and microcontroller to regulate feedback current
Budget PartDevelopmentImmediate CostPrototype Switches$10 Fuses$10 Enclosure$30 Three Phase Meter Box$140 Single Phase Meter Box$75 Potential Transformer$60 Wiring$0$30 Microcontroller$60 Interface$60 Volt Meter$30 A/D converter$40 Variable Transformer$0$100 User Interface$50 Keyboard$0$30 Total:$565.00$725.00
Current we have spent $440 Our Projected budget is $550 As of now we are looking to finish around our budget
Milestone TaskDuration 1-Jun1-Jul1-Aug1-Sep1-Oct1-Nov23-Nov1-Dec Research180 Days Software Design150 Days Hardware Design150 Days Parts Acquisition120 Days Hardware Interface 120 Days Microcontroller Code 120 Days PCB Design60 Days Testing120 Days Completed In Progress
Overall Completion is 50%