1 Background CCG keen to explore collaborative working through a LES mechanism One of functions of the Fed is to facilitate collaborative working Fed looked at schemes which are Practical Impact practice workload Evidence based Some schemes attractive but difficult to implement in short term e.g. Home visiting service – cannot recruit NPs on 1 to 2 year contracts Assertive Community Treatment for mental health – need mental health trust to lead Update on Over 75s
2 Proposal for discussion Of initial £2.50, £1.62 plus 36p to practice schemes a)Special Patient Notes – 42p b)Yellow folders – 42p c)Visits to housebound with LTCs – using model developed by SBS – 42p plus 36p Of initial £2.50, 88p to collective schemes a)InstantCare b)Discharge coordinators Outcome £2.50 – all to practices, no Fed top slicing 32 practices want to look at Fed proposal, 6 DHG practices working together, 3 doing own thing
3 Special Patient Notes If all practices achieved level of Haven Health = additional 3,233 notes = 90% increase Patients with SPN 50% less likely to require an ambulance and 80% less likely to be referred to A&E
4 Implementation plan Fed dealing with paperwork – no action needed by practices for now Submissions made to trigger £2.50 payment less the 88p May/June Public engagement plan developed Practice delivered schemes - Fed work-up detailed implementation packs and organise training if needed InstantCare should be able to start early Recruit discharge support teams July – services commence Regular feedback to practices Discuss at future shutdowns