EAHIL 2004, Parallel session 5C – Information and people 24 September 2004 ¡Buenas tardes!
EAHIL 2004, Parallel session 5C – Information and people 24 September 2004 ¡Estimados compañeros!
EAHIL 2004, Parallel session 5C – Information and people 24 September 2004 A driving licence for information literacy Wietze de Vries
A driving licence for information literacy Outline About the driving licence Scope of the driving licence Early findings What’s next
A driving licence for information literacy Background At the Department of Nursing Students are becoming increasingly aware of information literacy, but information literacy ≠ ICT The Department sees information literacy as an integral part of the learning process
A driving licence for information literacy Why are we doing it? Information literacy is a key factor to being successful in the current century Information literacy is compulsory for nursing students: –WebQuest as a first step –Driving licence the next step
A driving licence for information literacy WebQuest A constructivist lesson format As defined by Bernie Dodge at San Diego State University: "an inquiry- oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet"
A driving licence for information literacy Target group Nursing students at KaroIinska Institutet: –Problem-Based Learing –Distance learning Close cooperation with The Department of Nursing at Karolinska Institutet
A driving licence for information literacy Target group Compulsory course of 40 hours at the start of the first term Autumn term 2003: Gotland Spring term 2004: Gotland and Norrtälje Autumn term 2004: Gotland Spring term 2005: Gotland and Norrtälje
A driving licence for information literacy The aim is to thoroughly teach the way information is organized within the areas of health care and medicine to give an overview of resources available on the Internet to develop students understanding and application of information literacy as part of their lifelong learning
A driving licence for information literacy Development of the driving licence Practice Together with students Many ideas and opinions and a lot of inspiration regarding material and framework were available The perspective of the students is important
A driving licence for information literacy Development of the driving licence Experience Use as little text as possible (abundance is bad) Start from the student’s own field of study Use practical training methods Home work is not popular
A driving licence for information literacy The result Webpages (free for all users): st/korkort/ st/korkort/ Learning Management System (password):
A driving licence for information literacy Pre- and posttest (some questions) Vad innebär begreppet informationssökning för dig? Vilket av dessa ord är mindre bra att söka på i en databas? Var letar du om du vill ha tag på en vetenskaplig artikel? Jag måste söka med engelska sökord i en engelskspråkig databas även om jag bara vill ha referenser som svenska forskare har skrivit Jag har gjort en sökning i databasen Cinahl. Måste jag ändå söka i andra databaser för att hitta alla referenser inom ämnet omvårdnad Internet är en stor dator som står någonstans och innehåller stora mängder information
A driving licence for information literacy Explanation of the test results Taken as a group Getting the picture Reluctant to map people individually Comparative with other studies
A driving licence for information literacy Autumn term 2003 First course 17 students (Gotland) The results of the inventories:
A driving licence for information literacy Pre- and posttest 748: maximum score Before 52% After 76%
A driving licence for information literacy Spring term 2004 Second course 53 students (36 Norrtälje, 17 Gotland) The results of the inventories:
A driving licence for information literacy Pre- and posttest 2332: maximum score Before 34% After 70%
A driving licence for information literacy Unique? No, see: – alle/876_Godin_Slutrapport.pdf (page 91) alle/876_Godin_Slutrapport.pdf
A driving licence for information literacy Inventory of the information needs of professional nurses Karolinska University Hospital (formerly known as Huddinge University Hospital) Norrtälje Hospital Stortorps Nursing Home
A driving licence for information literacy Inventory The aim was to identify the information needs of professional nurses to identify how the information needs are met
A driving licence for information literacy Inventory Conclusions Use the intranet of the hospital Teach the Internet first (databases second) Make journals available online at the hospital Make searching for research part of the education
A driving licence for information literacy Conclusions Pedagogical design Mapping against Anziil standards: 0edition.pdf 0edition.pdf Developing pre- and posttest Starting a project with teachers to implement a course on pedagogy and information literacy Implementing the inventory of the information needs of professional nurses