An optimal water allocation in a Metropolitan region June An Integrated Operation of Multi-Regional Water Supply Networks for Tae-Sang Ryu, Sung Ryong Ha, Ik-Hwan Ko
Outline Introduction Research Objective Literature Review Methodology Model simulation Summary & Future research diretion
Multi-Regional Water Supply Network Integrated Management Center B city C city D city A city
Joint & Integrated Management A B C Integrated Operation Control & Management Scheme Coordinated Operation ◈ B◈ B ◈ C◈ C ◈ A◈ A 무선망 유선망 Integrated Operation Center
I. Pre-feasibility survey of joint operation for optimal water allocation in a wide areas with multi -sources Research Objectives II. Integrated optimal water allocation model
Literature Review water distribution modeling ☞ mathematical formulation modeling water supply modeling ☞ economic operation scheduling for the sake of supply to meet the demand water network operation with optimal pump scheduling ☞ Optimal pump scheduling in water supply network, Paul W. optimal allocation of water sources ☞ Drought management of existing water supply system, Dean Randall. Water Supply Modeling Research Category Water Supply Modeling Research Category Research Categories for Modeling Research Categories for Modeling
Hydraulic Simulation approach using EPANET Optimization approach based on Economic operation rule II. Methodology I. Problem Diagnosis Two phases of modeling III.Strategy Optimization model Economic, stable EPANET hydraulic analysis Supplying cost Flow constraints Inflow, unit price, demand storage, capacity, Pipe facilities data Operation data
Problem Diagnosis
Multi-regional water supply networks & Research area
Water Supply Network map
Water demand nodes distribution situation
Water tanks distribution
Water Demand Prospective in the Future (Supply to Demand) 2009 yr
Current operation condition Current operation condition Namgang(II) - Capacity m3/d (77000 m3/d – 2011) Gucheon - Capacity m3/d Yeoncho - Capacity m3/d
water source capacity ( ㎥ /day) mean ( ㎥ /day) maximum ( ㎥ /day) shortage( △ ) remarks meanMax. Gu-cheon20,00018,01423,4181,986 △ 3,418 Namgang( Ⅱ ) 55,00047,61261,8967,388 △ 6,896 sum75,00065,62685,3149,374 △ 10,314 ☞ daily demand peak factor 1.25, Yeon-cho water treatment plant is under rehabilitation Current Situation (Daily Demand vs. Capacity)
* length means from Namgang-dam to Jukdo junction Demand (4 cases) 2007, 2011yr daily maximum & mean Simulation Period steady state simulation Modeling Input Boundary Condition Modeling Input Boundary Condition itemsNamgangGu-cheonYeon-choSum Capacity55,00020,00016,00091,000 sourcesNamgang reservoir Gu-cheon reservoir Yeon-cho reservoir Water treatment Namgang W.T.P Gu-cheon W.T.P Yeon-cho W.T.P facilities PUMP 4(1)Pump 3Pump 2 L=25,003 Km * L=14,900 Km L=15,000Km 21 Consumer nodes(tank type11) (m3/day) Physical Condition
Mass Balance Eq., Closed Network ☞ ∑∑ q i k = ∑ Q k, i=each demand node, k = multi sources 2. Determination water demand of each nodes(q i ) ☞ using gaged data and planning data, Combination of operating pumps according to the step 2 ☞ Q p,k = ∑ q i k, p = operating pump unit combination 4. Simulation case study ☞ Demand 4 cases, independent opertation case, joint operation 4 cases(N+G, N+Y, G+Y, N+G+Y), pump combination several cases 5.Constraint simulation case, ☞ closing Pipe cases Simulation Condition
Overlapped supply area ☞ water demand 4 cases : 2007, 2011 yr daily max, mean ☞ individual network operating by 4 demand cases Pre-feasibility study for joint operation ☞ water demand 4 cases : 2007, 2011 yr daily max, mean ☞ joint operation with adjacent supply network Supply unit cost by consumer for optimization model Modeling Analysis Target Modeling Analysis Target
Simulation Case study summary Simulation Case study summary Individual, Joint operation with closing pipe or without closing pipe 2 cases, 4 demand cases, joint operation cases of mutual systems(N+G, N+Y, G+Y, N+G+Y) Pump combination (ex, supply(q)=70781, satisfying ratios(r) = 103%, energy cost(p) =985087)
Analysis of Modeling Results - Overlapped Supply Area - Pump Characteristic Curve Parallel pump installation status Supply amount raises pipeline hydraulic loss Supply to meet demand -> effect supply area by individual system
Namgang Single operation case for maximum daily demand Namgang Single operation case for maximum daily demand Hydraulic Modeling Namgang2, capable of supplying to all area except A-jou (q=70781,p=985087) To keep Simulation condition step 1 and to get solution, Ajou and sangdong node demand input zero
Mean demand case shows Capable of supplying to all area, except A jou (that is, Ajou demand zero) (q=58678, p=908689) Namgang water supply area for mean daily demand Hydraulic Modeling
Solid line : water supply area by daily maximum demand Dotted line : water supply area by daily mean demand
Overlapped area analysis results 3 Supply area 2 Supply areas Hydraulic Modeling
Modeling Results Analysis - Pre feasibility Survey for Joint Operation
Current pipe closing condition vs fully open operating condition Current pipe closing condition vs fully open operating condition Current operation condition, closing point is appropriate Current opeartion is better than the other option operation Hydraulic Modeling
current closing opertion vs full open operation condition current closing opertion vs full open operation condition Hydraulic Modeling Namgang, Gucheon, Yeoncho joint operation with closing pipe line vs without closing pipe line Joint operation without closing pipe line is most effective way in future demand condition in case of 3 networks joint operation.
Modeling Results Analysis - Optimal Pump Combination -
Optimal pump combination to 2011 yr Demand Optimal pump combination to 2011 yr Demand In 3 network Joint Operation and 2011yr max. demand case, this graph shows most economic pump combination Variation of cost and supply satisfaction by pump combination (Yeoncho-Gucheon-Sadeung) on X-coordinate Hydraulic Modeling
Namgang+Gucheon+Yeoncho Joint Operation(max.) Hydraulic Anaysis for Joint Operation In Pump combination N(1-1)-G(2)-Y(1) case, Sadung, Sinhyen, 2 nodes happens negative pressure Optimal Pump combination N(2-0)-G(2)-Y(1)
Modeling Results Analysis - Summary & Future Study Plan -
Simulated result of joint operation Simulation results of joint operation with Max., Mean(=MAX80%) water demands - > Big difference of electricity cost Optimal operation condition depends on how many networks to be used, which network mainly used, and how many pumps to be operated Q mean(max80%) Q max Hydraulic Analysis
Overlapped supply area ☞ water demand 4 cases : 2007, 2011 yr daily max, mean ☞ individual network operating by 4 demand cases Pre-feasibility study for joint operation ☞ water demand 4 cases : 2007, 2011 yr daily max, mean ☞ joint operation with adjacent supply network Supply unit cost by consumer for optimization model Modeling Analysis Target Modeling Analysis Target
Summary & Future Plan - Identify Overlapped supply area - Identify Feasibility of Joint Operation of Mutual Networks - Supply unit cost for optimization model - Develop Optimal allocation Model Summary Future Plan
- Reference -
Current operation condition vs closing point changing condition Following Current operation condition, with pipe closing at two points and 2 network operation, compare simulation results according to pump combination Current operating indicate lower pumping cost. Hydraulic Modeling
current closing opertion vs full open operation condition current closing opertion vs full open operation condition Namgang + Gucheon joint operation with closing pipe line and without closing pipe line Joint operation without closing pipe line is more effective in future demand condition Hydraulic Modeling
Current closing operation vs full open operation condition Namgang + Gucheon + Yeoncho joint operation with closing pipe line and without closing pipe line Joint operation without closing pipe line is most effective way in future demand condition in case of 3 networks joint operation. Hydraulic Modeling
Simulation results of single operation QmaxQmin(=max*80%)PmaxPmin Demand 75,068% % SingleYeoncho Gucheon Namgang Hydraulic Anaysis Simulation results of joint operation with MAX, MIN(=MAX80%) water demands Relationship between joint and single operation
Namgang+Gucheon Joint Operation (max. daily) Hydraulic Anaysis for Joint Operation (q= , p= )
(q= , p= ) Hydraulic Analysis Namgang+Gucheon joint operation (max. daily 80%)