New Milford Public Library January News and Programs Happy New Year! Here we are in 2016 and all of us here at NMPL want to wish you a happy and healthy New Year. We have all kinds of great programs coming up, so come and see us! As always, check out our web site, or ask our helpful staff for all the details.
Adult Programs for January 2016 Special Programs Community Service Project Adult Winter Reading Program Downloadables at NMPL iPad Class Medium Sydney Sherman Making Herbal Pillows Monthly Programs Evening Book Discussion Group Monday Movies at NMPL Friday Forum Science Fiction Book Club Independent Spirit Film Series For further information regarding any of our programs, check our web site at or feel free to ask any of our friendly staff.
Community Service Project December 2015 – March 2016 Calling all knitters and crocheters! The NMPL Knit Wits invite you to participate in our Community Service Project. We will be making Chemo Caps and Prayer Shawls & Lap Blankets for New Milford Hospital and The Diebold Family Cancer Center. For details call Sue Ford or Jody Hyman at the library at for more information.
Adult Winter Reading Program January 4 – February 26, 2016 Bring a can of food for the food bank to the Library, sign up, & take home some review cards. Read any format of Adult, Teen, or Young Adult books. Submit a review to enter weekly drawings for gift cards. A final drawing will be held on 2/26 for the three grand prizes. All prizes are provided through the generosity of the FRIENDS of NMPL.
Evening Book Discussion January 4 at 6:30 PM Abby Ripley once again will be the facilitator of this group and has come up with a terrific list of books for The book for January is “Americanah” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and the library will provide the books. The group is limited to 10 people, so please call x201 to sign up.
Downloadables at the Library January 4 and 25, 2016 This is an open Q&A session for anyone who would like help with our econtent options. Stop by and find out how to use the new app for Axis 360 ebooks, OneClickdigital audio ebooks and Hoopla. (Note new time!) Bring your device, your library card and your questions. No appointment is necessary, just walk in.
Intro Class for iPad January 4, 6, 13, 20, 25, PM This course is a complete introduction to the iPad including all of its standard apps and newest updates. This class meets 6 times from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. You must attend the first session in order to continue with the rest of the class. To register, please stop by the circulation desk or call x201.
Sydney Sherman: Medium January 6 at 6:30 PM Come and enjoy a wonderful presentation by Sidney Sherman, author and medium titled: "Learning to Use Your Senses to Connect With Your Loved Ones“. She will demonstrate how you can see, smell, feel and hear your loved ones. Sydney is always open to questions! Registration is requested at x201 or online.
Make Your Own Herbal Pillow January 9 at 1:00 PM Ehris Urban of Grounded Holistic Wellness, LLC will demonstrate how to make your own herbal sleep pillow and discuss how the practice of placing herbs under one’s pillow dates back centuries. Registration is required at x 201. The program is limited to 30 participants. Brought to you through the generosity of the FRIENDS of NMPL.
Monday Movies at NMPL January 11 at 1:00 PM Come view foreign films and discuss them. This month in this free series we will feature “Tangerines". The film is in Estonian with English subtitles. It is not rated and runs 87 minutes. Light refreshments and a discussion will follow the presentation.
Friday Forum – January 15 at 1:00 PM in Memorial Hall This is our monthly series where we host a mystery book discussion group. This month's book is “Faceoff” ed. by David Baldacci. We provide the books and you provide the insight! The group is limited to 15 people, so please check if there is room by calling x203.
Science Fiction Book Group January 18 at 6:30 PM Marilyn Gunerman, a New Milford resident, has graciously agreed to be the facilitator of this group. All book choices are drawn from award winners. The group meets the third (3 rd ) Monday of the month in the Connecticut Room. The library will provide the books. The group is limited to 10 people, so please call to sign up.
Independent Spirit Series January 27 at 6:00 PM Come and join us to enjoy our monthly series of popular, first run movies which lend themselves to lively discussion. Tonight’s movie is: “The Intern” Starring Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway, the film is rated PG-13 and runs 121 minutes. Bring a sandwich, we'll provide dessert & coffee.