Mrs. Kneifl
Basic Keyboarding Develop Speed Develop Accuracy Document Formatting Business Letters Tables Reports Miscellaneous documents Composition Language Arts
Course Description Designed to develop keyboarding skills essential for any career After completion of this course, you could enroll in the following: Computer Applications Advanced Keyboarding Information Technology Other technology classes!!
Software Windows 2000 operating system Microtype Pro Century 21 Quick Check Other Keyboarding Software Microsoft Office – Word XP
Dell Optiplex GX240 Computers Pentium 4 Processor 392 MB RAM 2.2 GHz processing speed 18.6 GB hard drive CDRW Konica Laser Printer
SKILLS NEEDED TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS CLASS Good techniques Good attitude Listening skills Self motivated Determination Pride in work Attentiveness
Be in class -- on time Respect for computer Responsibility for makeup work Listening skills Patience Do Your Best!!
COMPUTER LAB RULES - -Remember -- No food or drink in lab Use assigned work station Clean up!! Think before printing Follow directions Treat things with care
Writing utensil Mind Folder Attitude
4 Get your folder and keyboard cover 4 Log on – check work station 4 In seat when bell rings 4 Warm up 4 Take notes -- Listen -- Demonstration 4 Practice -- Assignment -- Independent Work Time 4 Clean up -- Log off work station 4 Remain in seat until dismissal bell
Technique (40%) Tests/Daily Work (35%) Timings (25%) Attendance is also very important!!
My Grade Scale A B B83-87 C C73-77 D D60-67 Fbelow 60
Technique Evaluations Eyes on book - do NOT watch fingers or screen! Fingers curved and upright - wrists off keyboard Posture - feet uncrossed/sit up straight Do not talk during practice time - listen to and follow instructions Use correct fingers for keys, enter, space, etc.
1 Minute Timings Speed timings will start after week 3 Cannot correct errors Allowed 0-6 errors A % A % B % B % C % C % D % D % F %
Attendance Policy - We will follow the LSW attendance policy Just a reminder - If you have four or more absences – you may fail.
Tardy Policy If you come late and are excused, make sure your planner is signed – show me! 1 st unexcused tardy – conference with student 2 nd unexcused tardy – I’ll call home 3 rd unexcused tardy – referral to office Note – any tardies that are excessive in length will be dealt with individually - Automatic referral
Kneifl’s Rules: Have fun Be responsible Respect others Appropriate language No TARDIES - detention No TRUANCIES - D for work
Monday Log on Create folder on C: drive T1B1 Keyboard Covers Books Stands Log on to Microtype Pro Start the first keyboarding lesson
End of Class Procedure Do not start cleaning up until there are only 3 minutes left in class! Put folder and keyboard cover away Close book – place stand and book to back right side of computer Log off Stay seated – when the bell rings, wait for the teacher to dismiss you!