School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 1 Effect of resonance decays on the extracted kinetic freeze-out.


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Presentation transcript:

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 1 Effect of resonance decays on the extracted kinetic freeze-out parameters Levente Molnar, Purdue University For the STAR Collaboration Outline: Physics Motivation Measurements Model description Results Summary

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 2 Physics Motivation I. t T TcTc T chem T kin Measured particle ratios infer chemical freeze-out close to phase transition boundary. Evolution after chemical freeze-out are explained differently by models: Single freeze-out models: T c ~ T chem = T kin Two distinct freeze-out models: T chem ≠ T kin Initial state Pre-equilibrium QGP and Hydro. expansion Hadronization Elastic scattering and kinetic freeze-out Hadronic interaction and chemical freeze-out by S. Bass.

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 3 Physics Motivation II. Question: If one includes resonances in the blast wave parameterization, is the T chem = T kin ? How do the extracted kinetic freeze-out parameters change? STAR Preliminary ΔT ~ 70 MeV Freeze-out parameters are extracted from bulk particle (π ±, K ±, p/pbar) spectra T chem is extracted from thermal model ( N. Xu and M. Kaneta, Nucl. Phys. A 698, 306, 2002 ) T kin is extracted from blast wave parameterization, assuming primordial spectra shape based on MC calculations. ( E. Schnedermann et. al. PRC48 (1993) 2462 ) Significant cooling and expansion

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 4 Model description Our model is built from thermal model and blast wave parameterization with resonances (based on code from ref.: U.A.Wiedemann, U.Heinz, Phys.Rev. C56 (1997) ) Improvements and modifications: A more complete list of resonances (measured by STAR, AuAu 200GeV 0-5%) , ,  ’, , K* 0, K* ±, , , ,  1520, ,  1385, ,  Implementation of two freeze-out temperatures: Thermal model fit to measured particle ratios: Extracted parameters: T chem = 160 MeV, μ B = 22 MeV, μ S = 1.4 MeV and γ = Primordial particle and resonance yields are calculated by thermal model. All primordial spectra are calculated at kinetic freeze-out temperature Treatment of 2 and 3 body decays, as well as consecutive decays, eg. η’→η π + π - η → π + π -

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 5 More model details … Compared to the Wiedemann/Heinz code: Instead of Gaussian, we used box profile for the flow velocity: β= β S (r/R) n Assumed flat rapidity distribution instead of Gaussian. Compared to experimental measurements: Decay daughters are combined through multiple decays: η’ → η → π η’ → π And the fits: Inclusive π ±, K ±, p/pbar spectra are obtained combining primordial and decay daughter spectra with proper BR × isospin Free parameters: T kin, β, n.

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 6 K spectra from model Inclusive calculated spectrum shape is not significantly altered with respect to primordial. Main contribution: K*

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 7 P spectra from model Inclusive calculated spectrum shape is not significantly altered with respect to primordial. Main contribution: , , 

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 8 Pi spectra from model Calculated pion spectra do not include contribution from weak decays (similarly to the measured spectra). Low p T enhancement: , ,  ’,Δ Higher p T :  dominates Inclusive pion spectrum shape is modified in the measured p T range.

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 9 Short lived resonances It is an open question what flow velocity and temperature should be assigned to short-lived resonances such as:  (c  = 1.3 fm),  (c  = 1.6 fm), … Three cases are considered for  : –(i.)  participates in flow just like other particles, and then decays into pions at the end (at kinetic freeze-out). This implies no regeneration of  and the decay pions have the strongest flow because  efficiently gains flow due to its large mass. –(ii.)  decays instantly and is regenerated continuously from the pions in the thermal bath. In this case  does not pick up flow during its lifetime. The decay pions are as same as primordial pions in terms of spectral shapes. In this case the decay pion flow is underestimated. –(iii.) Half of the  ‘s are treated as in (i.) and the other half as in (ii.).  decays are still included but their contribution is small

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 10 Parameter space is scanned to map out systematics: Well defined minimum in β - n and T kin - n β – T are strongly anti correlated Parameter space of BW fit without resonances STAR Preliminary

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 11 Parameter space of BW fit with resonances (100% ρ) Coarse binning, but well defined minimum STAR Preliminary

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 12 Fit to central Au-Au at 200GeV (I.) Fits performed at n fixed to be For pions all cases are plotted: (no resonances, 0% , 50% , 100%  ) For kaons and protons: spectra are plotted with and without resonances. In case of pions the fit without resonances seem to give the best description.

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 13 As expected from spectra, no significant change is observed in the inclusive spectra shapes. Fit to central Au-Au at 200GeV (II.) ● Primordial ● With resonances

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 14 Fit to central Au-Au at 200GeV (III.) Set (n=0.82) T kin (MeV) βχ 2 /ndf No resonances %  %  %  Note: χ2/ndf is small due to point to point systematic errors are included in the fits. Data seem to favor 0%  case, i.e.  decay pions as same as primordial pions, implies significant  regeneration, and the  's that experiment can see are from last minute of evolution. However, all scenarios are consistent with T kin ±10 MeV syst. error.

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 15 Fit with a single freeze-out temperature T kin =160MeV, n=0.82, resonances are included β=0.1β =0.5 ● Data ○ Calc Small radial flow: pions are described but not kaons and protons Larger radial flow would “describe” kaons and protons but pions are overestimated STAR Preliminary

School of Collective Dynamics in High-Energy CollisionsLevente Molnar, Purdue University 16 Summary Effect of resonance decays on extracted kinetic freeze-out properties are investigated in central Au-Au collision at 200GeV. Two freeze-out model: chemical freeze-out parameters are obtained from thermal model fit; particle spectra are calculated by blast wave parameterization including resonances. Model gives good description of particle spectra. Resonances seem to have small effect on the extracted parameters (parameters are within systematic errors. 10%), due to the similar shape of primordial and inclusive spectra in the measured p T range Model fits seems to favor small  contribution; hint for  regeneration.