Work W-E Theorem Pt. 1 1 Conservation of Kinetic Energy Work-Energy Theorem Work-Energy Diagram
Work W-E Theorem Pt. 1 2 Conservation of Kinetic Energy If no work is done on an object, its kinetic energy does not change. THIS IS ONLY TRUE WHEN THERE IS NO WORK BEING DONE! Total work equals zero only if… 1.There is no net force on the object or... 2.The net force and infinitesimal displacement are perpendicular to each other.
Work W-E Theorem Pt. 1 3 Examples of Conservation of Kinetic Energy THIS IS ONLY TRUE WHEN THERE IS NO WORK BEING DONE! Total work equals zero only if… 1.There is no net force on the object or … 2.The net force and infinitesimal displacement are perpendicular to each other.
Work W-E Theorem Pt. 1 4 Work- Energy Theorem If there is work done on an object, then the change in kinetic energy is equal to the work done.
Work W-E Theorem Pt. 1 5 Work and Energy Work and energy are calculated from simple equations
Work W-E Theorem Pt. 1 6 Work- Energy Theorem
Work W-E Theorem Pt. 1 7 Work-Energy Diagrams WorkK initialK final Kinetic Energy Total Work The work is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the system 0.5 J2 J 1.5 J