The Music of Dolphins by Karen Hesse
Author information Karen Hesse won a award for Out of the Dust,of the 1998 Newbery Medal.Karen was a winner for the Young Adults and The Music of Dolphins.Karen Hesse lives with her family in Brattleboro , Vermont.
Setting The Music of Dolphins when where Cuba hospital
Mila meet Shay that is a girl locked in a room Plot Summary Plane crash at age of 4 Mila has been taken away from her dolphin family Mila meet Shay that is a girl locked in a room Mila has been taken to a hospital and learned to read and write Mila go’s to the house and learns to type and play the recorder
Mila and Shay moves to a house with the other doctors The government take Shay to some where else Mila wants to go back to sea Justin takes Mila to the ocean so she can be with her dolphin family
. . . . . . . . Main Characters Mila Shay Justin Sandy Doctor Beck Doctor Peach . Doctor Tory Mr. Aradondo
Mila had a boat crash so Doctor Beck took Mila back to the ocean so Conflict /Resolution Mila had a boat crash so Doctor Beck took Mila back to the ocean so Mila can be with her dolphin family.
Opinions The book was exciting and full of adventure in the book. I felt like I was in the water.
Created by Erika Lane and Marina Gray Credits Created by Erika Lane and Marina Gray