Chatter 13, Parents and Children Over the Life Course Key Terms
primary parents A couple “mothering together.” parenting style A manner of relating to and disciplining children.
authoritarian parenting style Characterized as low on emotional nurturing and support but high on parental direction and control. laissez-faire parenting style Permissive style allowing children to set their own limits with little or no parental guidance.
authoritative parenting style Style that combines emotional nurturing and support with parental direction. grandparent families Families in which a grandparent acts as the primary parent for grandchildren.
hierarchical parenting Combines warm emotional support for child with a demand for significant respect for parents and other authority figures. Confucian training doctrine Blends parental love, concern, involvement and physical closeness with strict and firm control.
foster care Home that cares for a child that is being abused or neglected and is temporarily or permanently in the care of state or county officials. family foster care Care that takes place in a trained and licensed foster home.
formal kinship care Out of home placement with biological relatives of children who are in the custody of the state.