2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Self- Awareness Lifelong Learning Emotional Intelligence Study Skills Lane Resources
Unconscious inner forces that pull us off course
Common personality type for mechanic, electrician, programmer, carpenter
Part of our brain that stores emotionally charged, but unconcious memories
Rule 1: Show Up Rule 2: Do my best Rule 3: Participate actively
Three Success Rules
Habitual feelings such as anger, excitement, anxiety, sadness, or joy
Emotional patterns
The first step in the natural process of learning
Ask Creator Questions
The way your brain prefers to gather and process experiences and information
Learning Style
Making a course correction has how many steps
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The three steps to make a course correction
A belief about being helpless in the face of adversity
Learned Helplessness
Perceived skill level and challenge are about the same
Making self- supporting choices grows this
Nurturing ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally
Self-Care plan
When perceived skill level is high and challenge is low
When we control impulses and recognize our emotions as they occur
Emotional Intelligence
Having a comfortable, organized space where you always study
Ideal Study Space
Working with other creators to improve academic outcomes
Study Group
Reason to review briefly everyday
Repetition strengthens memory
Reason to discuss concepts often
Conversation solidifies learning
How to release negative beliefs about studying
Create a study affirmation
A program to help first generation college students graduate
TRiO Program
Service to help students decide about career choices
Career Center
Place to get family planning supplies
Lane Health Center
Place with study rooms, computers and assistance in certain subjects
Tutor Central
Process to ensure you have classes and a schedule that meet your needs
Advance Registration