NURTURING CHILDREN Supplement to Notes
Nurturing Children Nurturing is an important part of parenting. A parent nurtures a child by providing encouragement and enriching experiences. Nurturing also means showing love, support, concern, understanding—all the things that are part of the special closeness between parent and child.
Nurturing Children Caregiver – A person who cares and nurtures another human being by providing for their physical, emotional or social needs. Parent – A person who provides caregiving services, values and discipline with love and affection to children on a long term basis. Nurturing Environment – Surroundings which provide for physical, intellectual, social or emotional needs of humans.
Deprivation vs. Privation Deprivation really means the loss of or separation from an attachment figure. Privation is failure to ever establish an attachment.
Deprivation vs. Privation Genie's Story Genie's Story Write a short reaction to the video. Answer the following question: Do you think this is a story of deprivation or privation?
Over Parenting 20/20 Report on Helicopter Moms 20/20 Report on Helicopter Moms Write a short reaction to the video. Answer the following questoins: In what ways is over parenting harmful to a child’s development? Do you thin over parenting is more of an issue today that in the past?