ALLÉE DE CANNE À SUCRE 1 Comment, opine, and analize…
2 Did José Hassam’s poverty prevent him from learning in school? Did his poverty prevent him from being the best he could be in the classroom? Comment…
3 The elementary school teacher told the students to write down something that he wrote on the board. He told them to read it every morning. What was that note? Do you agree with what the note said? Comment on it at length…
4 What did the wise man, Monsieur Medouze, say about nature and life to José Hassam? Comment at length…
5 Did you observe any injustice in the film? Comment…
6 Did you observe any racism in the film? Comment…
7 What did the high school teacher accuse José Hassam of? Was there any prejudice on the part of the teacher? If yes, why? If not, explain. Comment at length…
8 Film analysis: Allée de Canne à Sucre In English (quotations in French); typed; double space; three pages minimum; font: 14 (Times New Roman) Possible points: 200 Due Feb. 6, 2015 (Friday)