Reflection 4 Casey Schneider
Belief is the main aspect of my life. Everything I do revolves around my morals and my Christian beliefs. My strongest strength was belief and I think that it fits me perfectly. The way that I lead is the way I believe that Christ would lead.
Input was my second strongest strength and I believe that it fits me well. I find meaning in the small things and I like to keep things as reminders of important or special things that have happened in my life. This matches what people who typically get input. I believe that my input strength allows me to have a love for everything that I pour myself into. I find the meaning in what I do and I think this brings morale to those I am leading.
Empathy allows me to feel and understand what others are feeling and why they are feeling that way. I am very capable of understanding where a person comes from. Also, with empathy I can understand someone’s feelings without becoming biased. I am able to be objective and address an issue that someone is facing while also being sensitive to their emotions. This will help me as a leader because I can effectively serve my followers in a very understanding and respectful manner.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and I believe that we are all in this together. This strength allows me to be able to help others and to bridge a gap between cultures and differences between people. I like people to work together and I do everything that I can to make that happen. This makes me an effective leader because I am always trying to get people to feel comfortable and involved.
I am extrovert and communication is a skill and strength that comes in handy when working with a group of people. I am able to effectively convey a message or idea that could potentially serve for the greater good of the people I am leading. I am easy to listen to and I don’t drag things out to the point where people do not want to listen.