SETTING THE STAGE Europe in relative peace for 75 years Believed technological progress made war a thing of the past
RISING TENSIONS : M ILITARISM Militarism – glorifying military power and keeping army prepared Army proves power Necessary to protect colonies Competition for colonies = rivalries and mistrust Arms race Each country trying for the best military Important to mobilize quickly
RISING TENSIONS : A LLIANCES Germany worried about French aggression Dual Alliance with Austria-Hungary 1881 – Triple Alliance created when Italy joins Wilhelm II comes to power Russia signs pact with France Wilhelm starts to build big navy Goal: rival British navy Triple Entente: Great Britain France Russia
RISING TENSIONS : I MPERIALISM Colonies were best way to prove power What do you need for colonies? Strong military Industrialized country What do colonies give you? Strong sense of nationalism Raw materials Manpower
RISING TENSIONS : N ATIONALISM Nationalism – deep devotion to one’s country Unifying force within country Causes deep distrust and competition between nations Great Powers France, Great Britain, Austria- Hungary, Germany, Italy, and Russia Rivalries among them lead to increased tensions
CRISIS IN THE BALKANS: POWDER KEG OF EUROPE Balkan region in OE OE in decline, ethnic groups breaking away Countries that broke away: Greece Montenegro Serbia Romania Bulgaria Most countries wanted to expand borders Meant needed to take from neighbors
THE POWDER KEG OF EUROPE: CASE STUDY Serbia Serbia wanted ALL Slavs in the Balkan region Russia supported Serbia Austria-Hungary did not like it b/c Slavs were in Empire 1908 – AH annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina (both Slavic areas) Vows: Serbia promised to take areas away from AH AH promised to meet Serbian aggression with force
POWDER KEG’S SPARK: THE SHOT IN SARAJEVO Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia Actors: Franz Ferdinand – heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Sophia – his wife Black Hand – Serbian nationalist group, wanted to take Bosnia from Austria Gavrilo Princip – member of Black Hand Event: Gavrilo Princip assassinated both Franz Ferdinand
POWDER KEG’S SPARK: OUTCOME AH uses the murders to punish Serbia Gave Serbia an ultimatum Backed by Germany, BLANK CHECK Germany said it would back ANY play, including war Serbia (backed by Russia) declines AH’s ultimatum AH declared war on Serbia Russia starts to mobilize its troops the same day
DISCUSSION QUESTION What (if anything) could have been done to keep World War I from happening? This does not just need to be “no alliances or colonies”. Those existed so what else could have been done?