Rural Life › Peasants Worked 50 plus hours of labor Women & men worked the fields Rural poverty increased which lead to rapid population growth Population 80 million by 1300
Three field system › rotational system for agriculture in which two fields grow food crops & one lies fallow
Population continued to rise New settlements Poor soil for agriculture lead some people to famine Life expectancy was years of age
Outbreak of bubonic plaque that spread across Asia, North Africa, and Europe Reversed population growth 2 years spread across Europe
Developed boils, black blotches, foul body odors, and severe pain Death was within 2days of infection
Black death survivors demanded higher pay In Jacquerie peasants looted castles and murdered dozens of people Authorities put out rebellion with greater bloodshed Peasants bought freedom or ran away
Mining, metal working, and use of mechanical energy expanded Water wheels › Mechanism that harnessed the energy of water to grind grain or to power machinery
› Windmills multiplied across Growth of industry Water power aid for iron making High demand in iron making metal coins church bells cannon statues