Performing A Reappraisal in Today’s Market 9/21/2012 Harding Sugg-Pitt Chris Ferriss-Cabarrus Roger Kelly-New Hanover
Pre-Game Preparing the Public
Start ahead of time. Don’t wait until the last minute. Create a timeline for completion. SOV adoption schedule timeline. Appraiser performance levels. Keep your County Manager informed.
Create a FAC section on your website. Notice Samples. Frequently asked questions. Contact phone numbers or s. Appeal forms. PowerPoint Videos
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for public speaking. Civic organizations. Church groups. Community groups. Neighborhood associations.
Broadcast your message Do some media interviews. Radio Television Local Newspaper
Media continued. Utilize your local government or public TV channel. Citizens academy.
Revaluation Notices Parcel and ownership data. Informal appeal form. Appraisal standards, Informal & BOER processes. Exemption and Exclusion info for: Elderly and disabled Veterans Use-value
Educate your Taxpayers and Board on Property TaxRevaluation