2006 Orthophotos New orthos were released in late September Color, 0.5 foot resolution as in 2005 Captured on March 31st and April 1st of 2006
Planimetric Feature Updates Buildings updates from 2006 Orthophotography is underway. Updated buildings will be published approximately once a month starting 11/1/2006 until all areas are completed. Edge, rec, etc, could also be available in the future if there’s demand.
Flood Info Includes watershed studies, floodways, and FEMA submission for floodplains Is there a need to have this data? What data is most important? What format is required?
Surface Data Will have the capability of delivering DEM, DTM, and Lidar. New breaklines and masspoints to be captured this winter. Is there a need to have this data? What format is required? Raster, ASCII, Lidar, etc.
Obliques Is there a need for this data? AIMS is working on distribution and integration.
Other Datasets Are there other data we should be capturing? e.g. Utilities, as-builts, documents, deeds/easments, etc. Features in 3D (e.g. buildings, contours, etc)
DDR Issues
Attributes on DWG files Extended entity data. This would append fields we define to the dwg. This change should be transparent to the existing users and the current data exports. What attributes are important Not planning to do DGN’s at this time due to non-use
DWG Version Should we be staying current on the latest DWG format version? Is forward/backward compatibility an issue? DWG – Could do 2007, 2004, 2000, R11, R12, R13, R14 AIMS currently exports to version 2000
DGN/DXF Support Can we drop support for DGN/DXF?