Development Workgroup 0282 Action 018 – impact on RbD 13 September 2010
Action 0282/018 “xoserve RbD expert to consider the proposal impacts and provide a view/attend the next meeting” This action refers to treatment of SSP vacant sites in the RbD calculations
What is RbD? Reconciliation by Difference is the substitute for meter point reconciliation in the SSP market SSPs receive energy allocation and commodity charges via NDM Daily Allocation process Individual meter readings are not used to reconcile SSPs Within each LDZ, every LSP rec has an equal and opposite entry in RbD – both energy and commodity charges RbD charges are apportioned on basis of live (not isolated) SSP AQ Monthly RbD values are dependent on the number and value of LSP Recs in the month RbD energy is usually a small fraction of commodity allocation
Comparison to other existing/future scenarios CapacityEnergyCommodityRbD AllocationAllocationSmear Isolated & Withdrawn sites Isolated sites√ DWG 0270 – Elective Meter Point Rec for SSPs Proposed treatment √ √ √ √ DWG 0282 – Vacant sites Suggested treatment √ √
Financial Impacts of RbD For the 12 months to July 2010, RbD represented 2.2% of total SSP Allocation % varies between months depending on levels of reconciliation and allocation and financial adjustments
Assessment of Suggested Treatment No precedent for sites being subject to RbD but not allocation No parallel with DWG 270 Elective Meter Point Rec proposal Those sites remain in Allocation Retaining those sites in RbD shares the unaccounted for gas across all active SSPs Leaving those sites in RbD should be a simpler change Leaving Vacant sites in RbD is not consistent with similar scenarios, e.g. Isolations Risk of erroneous isolation is borne by remainder of SSP market No reduction in complexity of change