B. RAMAMURTHY Processing and Programming cse
Topics cse Lets understand some of the processing primitives “commands” or “instructions” Format of commands Grouping of commands into coherent functions Parameterizing the commands Sample commands: lets learn some commands
Program in Processing cse A program in Processing language is a collection of one or more commands Format of a command: Keyword Parenthesis Arguments or parameters Semicolon terminating the command Example: size(400,400);
List of all commands cse Reference to all the Processing commands is available at It is also available in the Help menu of your Processing environment
A simple program (House) cse size(400, 600); rect(50,250,300,300); triangle(50,250,350,250,200,50); rect(175,450,50,100); ellipse(185,515,6,6); rect(85,300,40,40); rect(130,300,40,40); rect(85,340,40,40); rect(130,345,40,40); rect(230,300,40,40); rect(275,300,40,40); rect(230,345,40,40); rect(275,345,40,40); ellipse(20,20,30,30);
Lets Organize it cse A program as a collection of functions/methods void setup() { size(1400,1400); stroke(0); } void draw() { line(40,50, mouseX, mouseY); } void mousePressed() { background(192,64,0); stroke(255); PImage img= loadImage("Penguins.jpg"); image(img,0,0); }
Lets learn some commands: 2D commands cse point (x, y); line(x1,y2,x2,y2); triangle(x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3); rect(x,y, length, width); // when length = width we get square ellipse(x, y, width, height); //when width=height we get circle arc(x,y,width, height, start, stop); quad(x1,y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4,y4);
Color commands cse background(single color #);// # between background(r, g, b); // complex color background(img); fill(color); // sets fill color in RGB stroke(color);//sets the line color
Mouse Button cse mouseX mouseY mousePressed mouseReleased() mouseMoved() mouseDragged()