Eurostat’s Business Demography project – progress report 18th Roundtable on Business Survey Frames Session 8 22/10/2004
Contents Recent developments –Publication of data up to 2001 Ongoing work –Data collection 2004 with new Member States Prospects for the future Conclusion
Recent developments: Harmonized data collection of 2003 Births and survivals up to 2001 Deaths up to 2000 Availability of data free of charge on Eurostat website –Dataset with data from 10 Member States and Norway –Statistics in Focus in DE/EN/FR –Detailed tables publication in EN
Recent developments: Harmonized data collection of 2003 New elements –ICT aggregates –Legal form breakdown Sole proprietors Limited liability companies Partnerships and other legal forms –Employment in enterprise deaths
ICT aggregate: births and deaths Extent to which enterprise birth and death rates in ICT activities exceed those of the business economy average, 2000 (percentage points)
Employment in deaths with legal form breakdown Average size (in terms of persons employed) of enterprises that died, business economy, 2000 (units)
Ongoing: Harmonized data collection 2004 Extension to new Member States Four-year survivals Output –Dataset and Structural Indicators on Eurostat website by the end of 2004 –Two Statistics in Focus in 2005
Future prospects Consolidation and extension to more Member States –Clarification of methodological issues –Inclusion of missing countries (DE, GR, FR, AT…) Legal basis –Revision of the SBS regulation ongoing –Market oriented activities – definition issues Project on the “Factors of Business Success” –Survey in 2005 –Results expected in 2006
Conclusion Political visibility of the Business Demography data Consolidation and legal basis in progress Well established methodology => Potential for wider use of the methodology for international comparison at global level?