Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun-2010 1 First results on particle correlations from ALICE Dariusz.


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Presentation transcript:

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun First results on particle correlations from ALICE Dariusz Miśkowiec, GSI Darmstadt and EMMI for the ALICE Collaboration why two-pion correlations two-pion correlations at 900 GeV first look at 7 TeV data try harder: high-p T correlations summary

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun transverse expansion  p T spectra look thermal but boosted longitudinal expansion  source size depends on p T Collectivity in nuclear collisions collective transverse velocity apparent source of pions with given (y,p T )

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun temperature and transverse flow when energy conservation treated properly 3 Mike Lisa, CERN Theory Phenomenology Seminar, 16-Oct-2009 Transverse expansion transverse expansion seems to be there even in very peripheral nuclear collisions

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun Pion source size from STAR STAR, arXiv: [nucl-ex] STAR, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) p T dependence of pion source size similar in nuclear and pp collisions Au + Au Cu + Cu p + p (various ways of fitting)

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun identical-pion correlation analysis technique (HBT) peak width ~ 1 / source size pion source size accessible experimentally

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun Two-pion correlation functions in A+A and p+p collisions baseline shape is the challenge in p+p data

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun pp at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV 250 k minimum bias events 10 days starting on Dec 6, 2009

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun D. Miskowiec, ALICE femto meeting identical pion correlation functions Bose-Einstein peak clearly visible

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun D. Miskowiec, ALICE femto meeting Unlike-sign pion correlation function Coulomb and K 0 S peaks visible

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun Multiplicity and transverse momentum dependence identical pions unlike-sign pions baseline has to be treated properly

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun Multiplicity dependence visible dependence in pp  HBT radii depend on multiplicity rather than on collision geometry for comp.: nuclear collisions M. Lisa, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 55, 357

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun Transverse momentum dependence no significant dependence on transverse momentum for comparison: in nuclear collisions

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun Dependence on the baseline assumption but: transverse momentum dependence is sensitive to the baseline shape assumption

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun pp at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV 180 M minimum bias events from March 31 till now 120 M events used for this talk

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun pp at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV 7 M minbias events on May 2-3, M events used for this talk

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun TeV and new 900 GeV data high-q baseline flatter at 7 TeV identical pion correlations 120 M events at 7 TeV 2.1 M events at 0.9 TeV

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun π + π - correlations at 7 TeV K0SK0S ρ f0f0 f2f2 ω Coulomb rich resonance structure low-q baseline steeper at 7 TeV  origin: jets high-q baseline flatter at 7 TeV  origin: momentum cons.

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun Non-identical particle correlations from pp at 7 TeV C(q out ) asymmetry -- another handle on transverse flow pion - kaon pion - proton K*K* Δ Λ example: Pb+Au at 17.2 GeV CF’s from CERES π+π - π - p π+p

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun Summary HBT radii at 900 GeV depend on multiplicity no strong dependence on transverse momentum correlation baseline of crucial importance


Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun transverse momentum dependence of R side

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun baseline slope significant at 0.9 TeV and above study by Adam Kisiel

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun TeV, identical pions low mult high mult

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun High stat 900 GeV from 2010, identical pions low mult high mult

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun TeV, unlike-sign pions low mult high mult

Dariusz Miskowiec, Particle correlations in ALICE, Physics at the LHC, Hamburg, 10-Jun High stat 900 GeV, from 2010 unlike-sign pions low mult high mult