Mark S. Wrighton, Chancellor September 4, 2012 Inspiring Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Washington University
Essential Elements Strong Research –>$500M/year in expenditures –Excellent facilities Talented People –Faculty –Undergrad and grad students –Postdocs
Overarching Goal: Enhance our leadership today to benefit America and the world tomorrow.
Four Pillars Support Goal Prepare the next generation of leaders Advance human health Enhance the quality of life Inspire innovation and entrepreneurship
Inspire Innovation and Entrepreneurship Skandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies CORTEX BioSTL Expand commitment to Vice Chancellor for Research
Expand Ecosystem for Entrepreneurship Skandalaris Summer Internship Program School of Engineering Competition Arch Grants Program Innovate St. Louis
Recent Successes Cancer Genomics –Complete human genome sequencing –Genomic and Pathology Services (GPS) Alzheimer’s Disease –New diagnostic methodology –Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network
Future Plans Strengthen support for research –Facilities –Graduate fellowships Support development of life sciences- based companies-BioSTL Expand activity in the CORTEX Enhance ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship Recognize & celebrate successes