1 Labour Data in the Agricultural Census Roundtable Meeting on Programme for the 2010 Round of Censuses of Agriculture Budapest, Hungary, November, 2009 Salar Tayyib, Statistician, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Doc. No.: FAO/TD/PPT14-EN
2 Problems with labour data on the past Concepts of employment and unemployment applied to agriculture are difficult because of informal arrangements for labour, different methods of remuneration, and identifying what constitutes economic work in the agricultural environment. Farm labour requirements are seasonal and therefore one needs to look at labour use over a whole year. Agricultural censuses have not been suitable because it has not been possible to ask in-depth questions. The interpretation of unemployment where no work is available.
3 Changes to labour data in the 2010 programme Ensure that concepts are in line with ILO international standards. Don’t include in core module because it is more suitable to an in-depth sample survey.
4 Theme 8: Farm Labour For each household member of working age 0801+Activity status For each economically active household member 0811+Status in employment of main job 0812Occupation of main job 0813+Time worked in main job 0814+Time worked on the holding Type of work done on the holding For the holding 0821Number of employees on the holding: time worked and sex 0822+Form of payment for employees 0823+Use of contractors for work on the holding according to type
5 ILO “activity status” concept Activity status Economically active + Employed (includes paid employment and self-employment) + Unemployed Not economically active Issues: Whether to measure current activity status or usual activity status. Age limits for activity status data.
6 ILO “status in employment” concept Status in employment of main job Employee Own-account worker Contributing family worker Member of producers’ cooperative Issues: Refers to the characteristics of a particular job. Refers to the type of employment contract person has for his/her job.
7 Other labour items Occupation of main job – to be based on standard occupation classification Time worked in main job Time worked on the holding Number of employees on the holding
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