® 1 COR Database Preparation WEBINAR March 19, 2009
2 OVERVIEW Introduction Initial Steps Street Validation Preparing the Database Support
4 Introduction This training is designed to provide Web Based information and training for COR Database Preparation users so that they can complete COR Databases. This Training will be posted on the Delivery Web Page. This Training is not WebCOR Training. WebCOR Training is scheduled to take place in April/May for Area Coordinators and Area Champions once the IT Pilot is completed.
5 Introduction A COR Graphic Database must be accurately completed for each 5-Digit Zone so that a zone route adjustment can eventually be completed. The primary purpose for completing COR Databases is so that they can be utilized for COR route adjustments. They must be accurate so that proper COR adjustments can be completed.
6 Introduction NDSS Files must be utilized for all phases of Database Preparation. Databases are prepared so that they can be utilized for route adjustments. The purpose is not to make beautiful maps. Maps created for COR cannot be sold or replicated for other purposes. The NAVTEQ data is proprietary.
8 Initial Steps – Beginning the COR Process Before you begin the COR Process, ensure that you have the COR Database Preparation Users Manual available. Ensure that you have the COR Database Preparation Checklist available. Every step must be completed in order to reach the result of an accurate COR Database. Both the Database Prep Manual and the Database Prep Checklist are available on the COR Web Page. Do not skip any Step on the Checklist. Do not be “Creative”.
9 Click on the COR Icon on your screen. Select “Tools” and Choose “Add Ins”. Enter your Password. A graphic of a 5-Digit Zone will appear. The zone that is displayed is the zone that was most recently utilized in COR. Initial Steps – Beginning the COR Process
10 COR 5-Digit Zone (Graphic)
11 If it is not the zone that you are preparing a database for, Click on the COR Menu Button. Highlight “Startup & Import/Export Procedures” and choose “Select Zone” and then select the zone that you are currently data prepping. Initial Steps – Beginning the COR Process
12 NOTE: If you have not previously worked in COR, you will have to create a Master Database. The Master Database generally consists of a 3-Digit Zip Area. To create a Master, carefully follow the instructions for creating the Master in Chapter 2 of the Users Manual. This process will differ greatly in WebCOR. Initial Steps – Beginning the COR Process
13 The 3-Digit Master Database is extracted from the NAVTEQ Database files which are provided to each Area from Headquarters. NAVTEQ has been updated for the WebCOR application. It is also possible that it will be updated for the COR application in the near future. Initial Steps – Beginning the COR Process
14 The next Step is to “Extract a Zone” from the Master Database. The instructions in Chapter 2 explain the process in detail. This zone will consist of a 5-Digit Delivery Zone. Once the 5-Digit Zone has been extracted, install the NDSS files. Complete the DOIS Import by Highlighting “Startup & Import/Export Procedures” and selecting “DOIS Import”. Initial Steps – Beginning the COR Process
15 DOIS Import
16 DOIS Data will include the current Sector/Segments and Deliveries for each route. Update the Right and Left Zip Code Values. Create the Alternate Address Table. Analyze the Street Geography for Duplicates, Self Loops, etc. Edit the Alternate Addresses for CBUs and other Central Delivery locations. Create the Delivery Location Table. Initial Steps – COR Process
17 Address Match by strictly following the instructions in Chapter 4 of the Database Prep Manual. If Address Matching is not correctly performed, the database will not be accurate and the errors will not be corrected. This will prevent an accurate and complete route adjustment from occurring later. Initial Steps – COR Process
18 Resolve any Unmatched Delivery Location Addresses. This process is important and will include using the Street Editing Tools. Pay close attention to Topology. Loop back and Create the Delivery Location Table again and repeat the Address Matching procedures. Update the Delivery Layer Geography to restore all Manual Moves and Matches. Initial Steps – COR Process
19 Create the Blockface Layer. Tag the Existing Route Numbers. Print Route Maps for each Route in the Zone so that they can be utilized for Street Validation. Print the maps large enough so that the information that must be written by the validator is clearly legible. Zoom into areas that need to be recorded in detail and print additional map views. Initial Steps – COR Process
22 Complete Street Validation for each street on every route in the zone. Make sure that the first and last address before every intersection is correctly recorded for all intersecting streets. Note any anomalies and any other information that will be pertinent to the accurate completion of the database. Street Validation – COR
23 Record any new streets and determine their spatial position in relationship to existing streets. Note any location where delivery occurs on only one side of the street. If new construction is taking place, ask for a plat map at the construction office. Notate where major businesses are located and other information regarding parking and speed limits if time permits. Street Validation – COR
24 For most residential Locations, only one person is needed to complete Street Validation. Use two people only for busy business sections or in congested areas on the route. Plan street activity so that the validation takes place in contiguous areas of the zone. Plan to complete several routes when traveling to the area for validation. Street Validation – COR
27 Update the Street Database by using the completed Street Validation Maps and making the corrections in the Dataview. You will use the Street Editing and other Tools to correct the Database. Pay strict attention to Topology. Make sure that the NDSS address ranges are strictly maintained. Do not change the address ranges to actual street ranges for any reason. This could result in inaccurate route adjustments and Lines of Travel. Database Preparation – COR
28 Updating the Street Database is one of the most important steps in the Database Prep process. Matching the graphic database to actual existing street data is essential for accurate route adjustments. Verify/Edit the One-Way Streets. Check/Edit Overpasses to make sure that they are correctly reflected. Database Preparation – COR
29 Build the Travel Network. Edit the Street Attribute Defaults. Assign the Street Attribute Defaults. Set Turn Defaults. Ensure that all NDSS Ranges are maintained in the Database. Do NOT change the address ranges to actual street ranges. Pay attention to Topology. Database Preparation – COR
30 Create the Delivery Location Table again. Remember to drop the prior Delivery Layer. Address Match. This is a Re-Address Match because some of the geography and attributes will change during Street Validation. Update the Delivery Layer Geography. Create the Blockface Layer. Tag Existing Route Numbers. Database Preparation – COR
31 Build the Post Office Layer. Add the Post Office. Package the Zone for Adjustment. Note: If a significant amount of time has passed between when the zone was originally prepared and when the route adjustment is scheduled to occur, you will need to update the 5-Digit Zone. Database Preparation – COR
35 COR SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS: (Information Available on the COR Web Page) Diane Bartholomew – (248) Judie Cummings – (205) Seth Johnson – (801) Steve Kelly – (216) Rita McQuinn – (508) Cheri Sweitzer – (317)
36 STOP POINT Do not complete Database Prep for any zone without matching the zone to the NDSS Files. Do not create zones for the purpose of selling maps—it is strictly forbidden under our agreement with NAVTEQ. If you need assistance, ask. There are several SMEs nationwide who can and will assist you. Remember that the primary purpose of COR Database Prep is to complete COR route adjustments.