How can I improve my English?
Practice, Practice.
Practice makes perfect!
Singers practice everyday
Musicians practice everyday
Soldiers practice everyday
Chess players practice everyday
Jackie Chan practices everyday
More practice, less fear
More practice Less stress
Practice what you learn in class
Practice what’s in your book
How to practice
Speak English to another student
A little everyday Only 5 or 10 minutes
You can help them They can help you
You correct them & They correct you
A little everyday
Read your English book out loud
To help you get used to speaking the words
A little everyday
When you are ready Record your voice & correct yourself
Send SMS messages in English
A little everyday
Millions of people in the world
want to practice speaking English
Use MSN or QQ to speak to them
A little everyday
Keep a diary in English
It’s yours You write what you want, but in English
You could write why you are: Happy
Or hungry
A little everyday
When you look back Now 2012 Then 2011
You can see that your English… Is improving
Because you practice
A little everyday
Sometimes you could…..
Listen to the BBC World Service
They speak at STANDARD speed Not too fast Not too slow
You could listen to English songs
And read the words too
Try to sing the songs too
English is not like Chinese, singing songs helps a lot.
Watch English movies
Sometimes they speak to fast, but
Watching English movies teaches you some of the culture
If you learn some of the culture
You can begin to learn how Western people think
Western people think in a different way to Asian or Chinese people.
So they say different things for different reasons
And do different things for different reasons too.
To sum up
If you practice speaking and listening ….
A little everyday
The words are in your head
If you only read and write
The words stay in your book
Reading and writing are very important
But, when you have an exam Do you have your book?
Or your head?
A little everyday
To be successful