Offender Management North Lanarkshire Police Division Inspector Mark Nicol
Approach Lanarkshire Criminal Justice Authority Plan A more co-ordinated approach Our work must be communicated effectively Achieve long- term reassurance and well being for victims To prevent re-offending by young people
Our Mission To make our communities safe from crime, disorder and danger NLP Single Outcome Agreement, National Outcome 9 Education Disruption/Diversion Prevention Enforcement Real partnership working lies at the heart of reducing re-offending Lanarkshire Criminal Justice Authority, Plan
Essential Elements 1Public confidence in Priorities and Plans 2Directed Patrols 3Community Information / Intelligence 4Joint Problem Solving through LAT & LAP = Public Reassurance PolicePublic Local Authority Problem Problem Solving
Ward Based Analysis Crime Mapping Wishaw Ward 23 Priority Locations 4 Persistent Offenders 16 Youth Offenders Victim, Offender & Location Policing Priorities 1.ASB 2.Drug Use 3.Violence
Pather Case Study
EPIC Action Log Select priorities in consultation with the communities 48 Priority Locations 11 Nominated Offenders State Causal Factors Populate (EPIC) Action Log Enforcement, Prevention, Intelligence and Communication Community Policing Plan
Conclusion Reduced Public Demand Increased Proactivity Reduced Offending Increased Public Confidence Joint Problem Solving (CSSG) Significant reductions in ASB & Violence Business as usual… Wishaw Communities Unit Where we are and where we are going: