shopping. Maximo Rodriguez.
Item #1 Original PriceNew PriceDifferencePercent of Change $49.50$ % I dived de original price $49.50 for the difference $33.99
Item #2 Original PriceNew PriceDifferencePercent of Change $ 29.50$ % I dived de original price $ for the difference $
Item #3 Original PriceNew PriceDifferencePercent of Change $29.50$ % I dived de original price $ for the difference $9.99
Item #4 Original PriceNew PriceDifferencePercent of Change $39.50$ % I dived de original price$39.50 for the difference$19.75 Copy and Paste a picture of the item you chose. Delete this box.
How much did you spend? 1 I bought a shirt for I bought a T-shirt for I bought a polo for I bought a sweeter for The total of everything i buy is
Original Prices 1 I bought a shirt for I bought a T-shirt for I bought a polo for I bought a sweeter for The total of everything i buy is 148
My savings! I save I save 46%