Day 8 Induction: Year 2 Maureen Gradel Staff Development Pennsbury School District
Welcome! Please… Sign-in for either stipend or Act 48 Find your seat assignment Help yourself to refreshments Catch up with your colleagues. Share any personal/professional highlights! Be prepared to share your performance assessment framework from Session A
Reminders! Portfolio Exchange is Wednesday, May 25, 2011 from 4:00-5:00 at PHS-West SDR At your next scheduled conference, be prepared to share your electronic portfolio Any 2 nd year inductee who is new to the district must see a demo teacher before the end of April! Verification forms due May 25 th Workshop evaluation forms due tonight.
Sponge Activities Better Teaching articles Print and wiki resources
Table Share Share/Discuss your Performance Task & Rubric with your table group. Discuss the positives/negatives of the assessment process. Discuss any changes/adaptations you might make. Place a copy of the Performance Assessment framework in the collection bin.
Agenda Welcome/Reminders Table Share Objectives Standards-Based Portfolio Backwards Design Planning W.H.E.R.E Elements Assignment
Objectives Review the Standards-Based Portfolio expectations Define what makes a Standards-Based Classroom different Learn how to develop a standards-based unit backwards-design lesson plan Develop a unit plan, using standards, to instruct and assess students
Standards-Based Professional Portfolio All second year inductees will create a Standards-Based Professional Portfolio which will provide evidence of four key areas of standards-based education: Classroom Environment Instructional Technology Integration Inclusive Practices Standards-Based Instructional Work Units In addition, all second year inductees will reflect on their experiences and self-assess their work using the Standards-Based Professional Portfolio Rubric
Section A: Standards-Based Classroom Environment 4 Areas: 1.Instruction & Assessment 2.Parent & Student Communication 3.Student Recognition 4.Use of Time
Possible Suggested Evidence: Instruction & Assessment Pictures of standards displayed Course overview RELA charts Lesson plan format Standards-Based Classroom Checklist Parent/Student Communication Newsletter Back to School information Website/Zumu
Possible Suggested Evidence Continued… Student Recognition Certificates Awards Letters/ s home Pictures Participation/Social Skill Rubrics Use of Time Log of second chance learning Parent communication log Lesson planning Grade book Extra – curricular ex.
Section B: Standards-Based Technology Integration Possible Suggested Evidence Grade-level competencies Student work exemplars Topical programs Website resources PDE SAS Technology-integrated lesson plan
Section C: Inclusive Practices Suggested Evidence Differentiated lesson plan Student exemplars Interest surveys Data tools UDL examples
Section D: Standards-Based Unit Possible Suggested Evidence Cover Sheet Backwards Design Planning Sheet (which includes Perfomance Assessment) Self-Assessment Rubrics Student Exemplars Additional materials; units
What will I need to bring for the Portfolio Exchange Day ? Please arrive by 3:30 so that you can set up your laptops and preview your Power Point presentation. Be sure to have your laptop fully charged and bring any additional equipment necessary. You may wish to set your presentation to loop.
Suggested Format 4:00-4:10 Guests arrive and inductees sign-in and submit all paperwork 4:10-4:20 Maureen welcomes everyone and gives a brief background on the inductees/portfolio process 4:20-4:30 Kayla presents her digital portfolio as an exemplar 4:30-4:55 Guests view inductee portfolios, while inductees answer any questions necessary 4:55-5:00 Maureen wraps-up the event
3 Minute Pause Watch both an elementary example and a middle school example of standards-based classrooms. How do these types of classes differ from non-standards-based classes in the areas of: Teacher Planning Instruction Assessment
In a Standards-Based School/Classroom… Teachers characteristically… Students characteristically…
Stages of Backwards Design 1.Identify desired results. (Topic/Standard) 2.Determine acceptable evidence. (Product/Performance with Scoring Guide) 3.Plan learning experiences and instruction. (Enabling Activities: W.H.E.R.E.)
W.H.E.R.E. Elements The W.H.E.R.E. elements should be considered from the student perspective. W = W = help the students know where the unit is going H = H = hook the students, hold their interest E = E = equip the students, explore the issues, experience the ideas R = R = provide opportunities to rethink and revise E = E = allow students to exhibit their understanding and evaluate their work
Assignment You are to create a unit plan which is standards-based. Be sure to submit to me/coordinator: Unit Cover Page Backwards Design Planning Sheet –All 3 parts Scoring Guides/rubrics
Steven Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going, so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.