NOTE: In order to play this game, it must be viewed in slide show (F5) Created by Rhonda Floros St. John of the Cross Parish School First Grade
Read the sentence on each slide. Then click on the button that provides the correct answer.
Antarctica has which pole in the center? The South Pole The North Pole The Candy Cane Pole
2 inches 200 feet 2 feet On average, Antarctica gets about how much snow each year?
No one Scientists Antarcticans Who lives on the continent of Antarctica as their permanent home?
No one lives in Antarctica, they only visit to research
98% 50% 15% How much of Antarctica is covered with ice and snow?
desert winter wonderland snowball factory Antarctica is the world’s largest what?
penguin ostrich eagle This bird lives in Antarctica
The Father penguin The mother penguin The babysitter Who takes care of the penguin eggs before the hatch?
True False Not sure True or False? Dinosaurs have been found in Antarctica? ?
arctic tern, ice worm, penguin seal, polar bear, whale cow, chicken, horse These 3 animals live on Antarctica all year round.
They have a 2-4 inch layer of blubber on their body. They are good swimmers. They wear warm coats. Seals can withstand the freezing cold Arctic waters because...
-128 degrees Fahrenheit -100 degrees Fahrenheit 0 degree Fahrenheit The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica. It was…
meteorites snowmen and snow angels history and social studies Antarctica is a great place to study...