New Hope Glossary definitions by Guy Swentek Wilson Elementary
axle ► a shaft on which a wheel rotates axle The axle broke and the wheel fell off the wagon.
blacksmith a craftsman who made or repaired iron products using hammers and an anvil blacksmith The blacksmith made iron nails for our new home.
brisk lively; energetic brisk brisker The brisk wind made the cold water feel even brisker!
B u s t l I n g full of energetic and noisy activity The bustling city attracted more people every year.
citizen a member of a community a member of a community citizens Pa and Ma have been citizens of our fair city for thirty years.
a female deer a female deer The doe and her fawn were camouflaged in the leaves.
ferry aaaa boat that carries people or things across a river ferry ferry The ferry boat was able to ferry us across the river in just five minutes.
ford shallow part of a stream or river where one could cross by wading or by wagon water The water was too deep to ford by wagon.
forge forge a furnace where metal is heated before shaping; to form by heating and hammering
invitation a request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something invitation I received an invitation to attend the wedding.
recycling reusing materials rather than discarding them as waste We should all do our best to recycle products here on spaceship Earth.
tannery workplace where skins and hides are tanned and made into leather Tannery Tannery workers had to live with the smell of animal hides and chemicals.