The Black Hole-Galaxy Evolution Connection Ezequiel Treister Einstein Fellow IfA, Hawaii IfA, Hawaii Credit: ESO/NASA, the AVO project and Paolo Padovani
Marconi et al Understanding the black hole-galaxy co-evolution requires a complete census of accreting SMBHs and a detailed study of nearby representative sources.
How to find heavily-obscured AGN at high-z? Direct detection in very deep Chandra images Stacking High energy (E>10 keV) observations Deep IR imaging
4 Msec Observations of the CDFS CDF-S 4 Ms
4 Msec Chandra Survey 4 Msec Chandra limit NGC1068 at z~1
How to find heavily-obscured AGN at high-z? Direct detection in very deep Chandra images Stacking High energy (E>10 keV) observations Deep IR imaging
Stacking of Chandra data Soft (0.5-2 keV) Hard (2-8 keV) Thanks to its low and stable background, it is possible and efficient to stack Chandra data for individually undetected sources to reach effective exposure times >20 Msec. We are currently stacking different galaxy populations selected on the basis of their physical properties (mass) and luminosity in order to establish the AGN contents in them. Great (6-month) student project!
How to find heavily-obscured AGN at high-z? Direct detection in very deep Chandra images Stacking High energy (E>10 keV) observations Deep IR imaging
High Energy Observations
NuSTAR Energy Range6-80 keV Angular resolution40” Field of View12’x12’ Flux Limit~2x in 1 Msec Launch DateAugust 2011 PIFiona Harrison
NuSTAR Number Counts
How to find heavily-obscured AGN at high-z? Direct detection in very deep Chandra images Stacking High energy (E>10 keV) observations Deep IR imaging Deep IR imaging
Herschel Launched May PACS: Imaging and spectroscopy in m. SPIRE: Imaging and spectroscopy at m. Large survey (326 hrs) of the GOODS field (ideal to find heavily obscured AGN). Very deep imaging at 100 and 160 m. All data public this year!
Herschel’s view of obscured AGN 24 m: hot dust, mostly from AGN. 100 m: cold dust, star-formation re- emission. Ratio is a good indicator of AGN presence. GOODS-Herschel survey will allow to identify obscured AGN up to z~3.
Morphology of AGN Host Galaxies The Hubble telescope has been critical in studying the host galaxies of AGN.
Morphology of AGN Host Galaxies At high redshift, the HST resolution is critical.
Hubble ~300,000 “citizen scientists” will provide morphological classifications for ~100,000 galaxies in large HST surveys. We will use these data to obtain morphological information for the AGN host galaxies in these fields. E.g., Schawinski et al. (2010).
Funding All new space-based observations are well-funded by NASA. Typically ~100k per proposal. Possibility of archival Chandra and Spitzer proposals. Will submit one Chandra proposal on March 18. Take advantage of NSF and other standard funds.
Summary In the next ~5 years we will: Identify a large number of heavily obscured AGN in X-rays up to z~3. Measure their IR properties and the connection to star formation thanks to Herschel observations. Use HST to study the morphologies of hundreds of thousands of galaxies. There are many possibilities for students including 2-3 theses and several shorter masters or 6-month projects.