I can identify the shape of a data distribution using statistics or charts. I can make inferences about the population from the shape of a sample.
You have 4 minutes to roll a pair of dice as many times as possible. Make sure to keep track of the sums that you roll!
Mean: the average of a set of data Add all of the values up and divide by the total number
Standard Deviation: A measure of variation from the mean Remember, is the mean.
Spread of a data set: The “width” of a data set Range Quartiles Interquartile Range
Graphing data on a Histogram The Independent Variable (what you are changing) goes on the x-axis The Dependent Variable (the result of your experiment) goes on the y-axis
Use your personal data to create a graph One at a time, come to the computer and enter your data into the spreadsheet
What does it look like? Why is it called a bell curve? What does “normal” mean? What makes a set of data “normal”?
What does it look like? Why is it called a bell curve? What does “normal” mean? What makes a set of data “normal”?
Is your data normally distributed?
Mean = 490 Standard Deviation = 100
Is the data normally distributed? Does the sample size have an effect on the normality of the data?
I can identify the shape of a data distribution using statistics or charts. I can make inferences about the population from the shape of a sample.
Value on the DiceProbabilit y 21/36 32/36 43/36 54/36 65/36 76/36 85/36 94/36 103/36 112/36 121/36