1 HISOCC : 2010, Q2 GSTS Action Planning Key PrioritiesRoot CausesActionsAction By Target Completion Date Actual Completion Date Status Remar ks Genuine, caring attitude Leisure guests with kids have increased but our focus was mostly on business travelers Kid's Amenity (Kid's bathrobe, slipper and bathroom amenity) - Front Desk agent to place an order for Kid's amenity to Housekeeping by FCS system upon family guest with kids check in - Housekeeping runner to deliver kid's amenity as they receive FCS order - To monitor and discuss during weekly FCS meeting Kid's Corner at WOP restaurant - Create a kid's corner with toys and drawing kit in the restaurant for kids to play so parents can enjoy meal in peace also other guests at the restaurant do not get disturbed Kid's Play Room for Executive Lounge family guests - Decorate one of suite room right next to the Executive Lounge for kids while their parents enjoy breakfast & happy hour at the executive lounge EHK / FOM FBM GRE / FOM Sept 15 Ongoing Started Aug 10 Started Aug 1
2 HISOCC : 2010, Q2 GSTS Action Planning Key PrioritiesRoot CausesActionsAction By Target Completion Date Actual Completion Date Status Remar ks Genuine, caring attitude HI Stay Real Behavior refresh training has not been conducted Lack of recognition for long staying & repeat guests Holiday Inn Stay Real Behavior refresh training - Refresh training is scheduled in August & September for all staff to reinforce Stay Real Cycle (Be ready, Care, Take action & Be loved) Long staying guest program -To identify guests from arrival report who are staying minimum 14 nights - GRE to communicates with guests and obtain their preference upon check in and deliver them accordingly - Set up room amenities every 3 days according to the established list of amenity item by length of stay - Weekly mini PMM by engineering - To establish a record sheet to track and monitor DLD FOM September Started Aug 26th
3 HISOCC : 2010, Q2 GSTS Action Planning Key PrioritiesRoot CausesActionsAction By Target Completion Date Actual Completion Date Status Remar ks Genuine, caring attitude Lack of recognition for long staying & repeat guests Lost momentum to WOW the guests by delivering Special Guest Repeat Guest Program -To identify repeat guests from arrival report (From 10th visit) - Deliver amenities and gifts according to the established list of items by frequency of staying - To establish a record sheet to track and monitor Special Guest Program - Special Guest Program is to delight guests by offering exceptional service in various departments - To reinforce by reviewing Special Guest actions done by staffs during the morning meeting FOM DHs September Onging