2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, The Institute of Food Bioresources, Bucharest
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, THE INSTITUTE OF FOOD BIORESOURCES (IBA) – main activity = food research institute which belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Rural Development. The main topics of the ongoing research and development activities are: - cereal, fruits and vegetables and meat quality; - additives in bakery; - bread and fruits and vegetables technologies; - food preservation technologies; - food safety and HACCP; - packaging; - food intolerance (celiac disease and phenylketonuria); - functional food; - health nutrition; - organic farming.
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, The incomes Services: laboratory analyses, production, certification services, notification food supplements, consultancy.
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, Research projects Number projects, : 89 out of them, International level: 16 - in coordination: 1 - as partner: 15 National level: 73 - in coordination: 47 - as partner 36
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION IBA has been involved in: - 3 FP5 projects; - 6 FP6 projects; - 2 FP7 projects; - 2 Leonardo da Vinci projects (Foodsafe and Sensorial); - 1 Eureka project and 2 bilateral projects with Greece and the Netherlands. Within IBA is active BioNCP for 2nd theme. - 2 researchers from IBA are members of Committee Program within FP7. IBA is actively also in FP7, participating in 10 proposals submission as partner but also as coordinator in both 2 already closed calls.
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, EUROAGRI Food Chain IBA is the initiator of Romanian mirror platform “Food for Life” – project FOOD4LIFERO ; Member of different professional associations; IBA represents by National Delegate, ICC (International Association of Cereal Science and Technology). Member of Foodforce INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, FOOD QUALITY IBA has accredited laboratories by The National Accreditation Body, specifically the: - physical-chemical tests; - microbiological-immunoassay tests; - packaging tests. IBA determine the food quality for private companies in order food to be conform with standards or EU rules.
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, FOOD SAFETY and TRACEABILITY Micotoxins by ELISA and HPLC (DON, ZON, OTA, AFLA, FUM, PAT); Heavy metals from food and packages; Migration tests (packaging) Nitrates; Dioxin detection; Microbiological tests; Food authenticity by Electronic Nose; GMOs detection by ELISA and RT-PCR; HACCP certifying body.
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, Expertise and competence Researchers trained in different European research units (UK, The Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Spain etc.) or USA (IOWA); Proficiency testing: - for GMOs, microbiology and mycotoxins - GeMMA, FEPAS and FAPAS Programs, organized by Central Science Laboratory (CSL) from UK; - for heavy metals - Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture National Reference Laboratory, Departament for Supervising and Authorization, Czech Republic - Programmes UKZUZ (Jaroslava Srnkova )
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, Laboratory competence FEPAS142 – Bacillus cereus: IBA 72, scor-z (0.4); FEPAS142 – NTG: IBA 72, scor-z (-0.5); FEPAS141 – Y+M: IBA 19, scor-z (0.4); FEPAS140 – Salmonella: IBA 111, appropriate results; FEPAS139 – Staphilococcus coagulase positive: IBA 107, scor-z (-0.3); FEPAS139 – Aerobic plate count milk powder: IBA 107, scor-z (-1.1); FAPAS2253 – DON: IBA 41, scor-z (0.0); GEMSU22 – 100% soy RUR: IBA 35, scor-z(-1,3); GEMS38-100% soy RUR: IBA 46, scor-z(-1,7) GEMM19-maize MON 810: IBA 26, scor-z(-0.9)
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, National Projects related to subject - since proiects in HACCP and food safety along food chain (1 in traditional food); 6 projects in packaging and heavy metals (AAS, UV-VIS); 5 projects in micotoxins – ELISA and HPLC; 2 projects in GMOs – ELISA and RT – PCR; 1 project in dioxins and furans (GC-MS-MS). ……….. 6 pilot studies in Hygiene in Food Companies organized by VTT Finland
2/16/2016 IBA, Prague, Nastasia Belc