Reconstruction Period Post civil war in the U.S resulted in chaos within society. Since the North won, Slavery was abolished throughout the U.S. The South had to adjust to this new society. Whites did not want to lose their privileged status.
Black Codes These were laws passed to limit the civil rights of African Americans at the State level. Many states forbid African Americans from entering the state. Anti-miscegenation laws forbid marriage between Whites and any other races.
Black Codes continued After freedom was granted to slaves some states declared them as Freedmen. This meant they were not citizens and would have to apply to become one. They were treated as second class immigrants and denied voting rights
Black Codes African Americans rarely had the money to own land and therefore still had to work on plantations They were forced to sign state contracts which did not allow them to leave or quit. Owners of the land were able to use the same punishment they would use on children.
Black Codes It was illegal for an African American to carry a knife or Firearm. Anyone that sold an African American alcohol could be jailed for thirty days
Black Codes In South Carolina, people that worked on the land were to be called servants and the owners master. Their work day start when the sun went up and ended when it went down.
They must be "especially civil and polite to their masters, their masters' families and guests," and they in return would receive "gentle and kind treatment." This outraged the Northern states as they felt it was still slavery. After elections in 1866, the south was put under military rule and forced them to give the vote to all and abandon the Black Codes
Jim Crow Laws Once things settled down, the southern parliament enacted a policy of Separate but Equal. Separation was ok as long as there was equal facilities.
Jim Crow Some examples of Jim Crow laws are the segregation of public schools, public places public transportation restrooms restaurants for whites and blacks.