Economic Development By: Ariel L., Nathan S., Dylan L., and Corey O.
Mill Renovations If we made picture ONE into picture TWO then it would save us thousands of dollars. Why? Because we are using roads and buildings that are already there.
Mills Locations Mills Locations This is a mill located near the shell station on the east side of Route 117. Some of it is being used, but other parts are going to waste.
What will companies like these do? If we bring to Coventry companies like G-tech and Clariant, these large companies can help us lower taxes for residents. Taxpayers of this town need the relief. Any extra money can be used for needed services, like education.
Industrial Business Locations The yellow blocks show where the industrial businesses are approximately located.
Using Old Space If we re-use buildings like the old Almacs on Tiogue Avenue, it would save us a lot of money. It would save us money because we are using buildings and roads that are already there. We could remodel the buildings in that area. All the money that we would be saving, we could use to improve the community.
Visual Pollution If we put our plan into action then the town would be more appealing to the eye. With the money we save we can clean up parts of the community that need it.
Stopping Sprawl If we fought sprawl we would build a school where a lot of people live. Then we would be able to save $40,000 dollars if we eliminated one bus for a year. In 5 years that money would add up to 200,000 dollars. All that money could be used for educational funding. For the schools that could mean new computers.
Quotes “Sprawl is irresponsible development that wastes tax dollars, destroys farmland and open space, and encourages neglect of existing infrastructure and community resources.” “Suburban parents spend 17 full days a year behind the wheel, more than the average parent spends dressing, bathing and feeding a child.”“Suburban parents spend 17 full days a year behind the wheel, more than the average parent spends dressing, bathing and feeding a child.” Source of quotes: John Flaherty of Smart Growth
Money Use Save money on taxes Mills into apartments Using old buildings Bring in industrial businesses
Coventry We could raise the money for our plan by getting businesses and builders to use our old mills and buildings before building a new one. Coventry would be a better community and a better place to live if our plan was implemented. It would make the community appearance better. This would bring more people and tourists to Coventry which would help our economy.
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