How might e-portfolios support learner managed learning? Norman Jackson Higher Education Academy
how students learn - basic principles (US National Research Council research synthesis) Teachers need engage students’ help them develop a foundation of ‘factual’ help them develop strong conceptual help them develop competency in monitoring their own understanding (metacognitive capacity) And recognising that students must do things for themselves in order to encourage them to adopt habits and behaviours that help them to manage their own learning
Central to current thinking about the purpose of higher education is the idea of developing people so that they are able to manage their own learning. While this capability is developed in an academic context we expect people to utilise this capability in their future working lives. Leni Dam Someone who independently chooses and identifies goals, materials, methods and tasks; exercises choice and purpose in carrying out tasks, and chooses criteria for evaluation. What do we mean by manage our own learning?
performance self-reflection forethought Task analysis Goal setting Strategic Planning Motivational beliefs Self-efficacy Outcome expectation Intrinsic interest Goal orientation Self-control Self-instruction Time management Task strategies Process creation Help-seeking Environmental structuring Self-observation Cognitive monitoring Self-recording Self-judgement Self-evaluation Attribution Self-reaction Self-satisfaction Adaptive-defensive Self-theory context Processes and actions involved in self-managed learning. Self-regulation model of Zimmerman and others
ref How might an e portfolio support development of personal knowledge? performance self-reflection forethought knowledge for planning actions and imagination knowledge for acting/doing context knowledge of self derived from doing sources of knowledge – codified knowledge in books etc. personal tacit knowledge – from doing/observing/listening, action research, collaborative enquiry, contemplation or reflection
How might an e-portfolio support reflection and development of metacognition? performance self-reflection forethought context reflection in action reflection for action reflection on action
Research evidence of an effective system for promoting learner managed learning. Identified in a systematic review focused on the question what evidence is there that processes that connect reflection, recording and action planning improve students learning? Model being developed by Elisabeth Dunne Nature of task Learner characteristics Teacher activity directed or self-directed situations How can an e-portfolio be integrated into this systems view of learning?
performance self-reflection forethought Task analysis Goal setting Strategic Planning Motivational beliefs ‘Understanding self’ Self-efficacy Outcome expectation Intrinsic interest Goal orientation Self-control Self-instruction Time management Task strategies Process creation Help-seeking Environmental structuring Self-observation Cognitive monitoring Self-recording Self-judgement Self-evaluation Attribution Self-reaction Self-satisfaction Adaptive-defensive Self-theory TASK To what extent can e-portfolios support the thinking, actions and behaviours that underlie this model of learner managed learning? LEARNER +/-TEACHER