Writing YOUR poetry I hear America singing… Poets Study- Rudey
EVENT POEM with Opposites Event #1- Today Event #2- Yesterday Event #3- Last year Hold onto those events- you’ll need them later.
Where to start (continued) Now we will discuss opposites. Example: Opposite? I quickly called 119. Of course, no help came. Some paramedics raced by, tearing band-aids off the crowd. I couldn’t hear their siren because it blew so loud. The Boy Scouts never showed up. I guess they weren’t prepared. I’d hate to go back next year, and I hope to see you there.
Opposite Day Fun/ _________________ Good/ _______________ Fast/________________ Agile/ _______________ Beautiful/ _____________ Calm/_________________ Deliberate/______________
Poem Format (Opposite Word) Event #2 (Oposite Word) Event #1 (Opposite Word) Event #3 Add a line about how you feel BAM! You have a poem.
LOST?- Songs and Poems Opposites (Continued) "Row, row, row your boat." _____, ______, _____ and stiff? Line #1- (opposite word, opposite word, opposite word, event #2) Line #2- (opposite word,opposite word, opposite word, event #1) CAN YOU MAKE YOUR POEM RHYME?
Titles Don't WORRY! Many authors start with a title and it always changes. Example: Yesterday OOQrELg OOQrELg OOQrELg
Yesterday The Beatles' "Yesterday" is the most covered song in history, appearing in the Guinness Book of Records with over three thousand recorded versions. The working title was "Scrambled Eggs" until Paul could figure out lyrics.
Where to start Most Poetry begins from an emotion or an event. Poetry is personal. Poetry should mean something to you! Create a list of 3 things that have happened to you that you remember. (Next slide please )