WHO SERVES ON THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE Four (4) Active (REALTOR®) Members +Chair Must have been a Member for at least three years (refer to your Bylaws) Most recent Past President able to serve shall be Chairman
One (1) member shall be elected by the Governing Board from its membership Three (3) members from General Membership plus two (2) alternates (Alt #1, Alt #2) Past President (totals 5) (Plus Alternates)
Alternates Alternates should be elected from the General Membership and designated as Alternate #1 and Alternate #2
Alternates serve only in the ABSENCE of a committee member
When are these members elected????? Your Nominating Committee is Elected at the same time you elected your Officers for the incoming year.
Nominating Committee members shall not serve successive terms except for those designated alternates who were not required to serve as committee members
DUTIES OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE Send out notices asking for Nominations (Chair) Conduct Interviews with each Candidate (Committee) It is the Responsibility of the Committee to Select at least one (1) person for each office
Interviews need to be made timely with advanced questions sent to the Candidates Each person on the Nominating Committee asks a different question Add one question that was not provided
Chairman may elect to vote or not vote Chairman has the authority to vote for one office and not vote for the next Chairman must vote in case of tie
Make a Decision before leaving Chair to call everyone that interviewed To let them know the outcome Be sure to thank them for their service and always encourage them to run again
Chair Notifies the Secretary and President of the Slate with the understanding of confidentiality
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in. (The Nominating Slate is Kept Confidential until Every Candidate Has Been Called)
Chair Responsibilities continued – Nominating Chair Presents a report to the Secretary in writing or via
NOTICE Secretary notices to Membership in writing or via at least ten (10) days before (see bylaws) the Election Meeting.
Election Meeting President asks the Chair to give Report from the Nominating Committee President then presents the Slate of Candidates for Election
President starts with the Office of President - the President-Elect automatically moves up President then moves to the President- Elect position - Names the person that came out of Nominating
President then must ask – (1) “Are there any nominations from the Floor” (2) “Are there any nomination from the floor” (3) “Are there any nominations from the floor”
Nominations from the floor must be made by an Active (Realtor) Member No name shall be placed in nomination without the consent of the nominee.
If running from the floor: 1- Must have signed a consent to serve form 2- Must meet the criteria for the position 3- Each person running has three minutes for a speech with Candidate being first.
REMEMBER EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW IS FOUND IN THE LPPM (Leadership Policy and Procedure Manual) Pages 70-71
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