Old Testament Man Gave Names to All The Animals By: Bob Dylan Man Gave Names to All The Animals By: Bob Dylan
Big Word of the Day Hermeneutics: Interpretation of literature, especially the Bible. Hermeneutics: Interpretation of literature, especially the Bible.
Genesis Ch. 1 The First Creation Story We read this several days ago. What is the story trying to tell us? 1.GOD made everything. 2.God made it GOOD. 3.God made humans VERY good. We read this several days ago. What is the story trying to tell us? 1.GOD made everything. 2.God made it GOOD. 3.God made humans VERY good.
Genesis Ch. 2 The Second Creation Story What is the story trying to tell us? God made everything. What are some differences between ch. 1 and ch. 2? –No days mentioned. –God breathed life into man. –Woman was made out of Adam’s rib. What is the story trying to tell us? God made everything. What are some differences between ch. 1 and ch. 2? –No days mentioned. –God breathed life into man. –Woman was made out of Adam’s rib.
–Garden of Eden. –Tree of knowledge of good and bad. –Man named all the animals. –Both naked, yet felt no shame. –Garden of Eden. –Tree of knowledge of good and bad. –Man named all the animals. –Both naked, yet felt no shame.
There must be something MORE to the stories. “They are true on the inside, but not necessarily true on the outside.” “All history is story, but not all story is history.” Mr. Shimek There must be something MORE to the stories. “They are true on the inside, but not necessarily true on the outside.” “All history is story, but not all story is history.” Mr. Shimek
Genesis Ch. 3 The Fall Let’s read together. Do serpents talk? –NO! What does the serpent symbolize? –The Devil What is this story really about? –The mystery of evil. What happens after the woman sins? –She tempts her husband. Let’s read together. Do serpents talk? –NO! What does the serpent symbolize? –The Devil What is this story really about? –The mystery of evil. What happens after the woman sins? –She tempts her husband.
The story is not really about Adam and Eve. It is about US! God created us very good. Yet, we all sin. Catholic theologians call this Original Sin. –The propensity or tendency to sin. 1. Sin hurts our relationship with God. 2. Sin hurts our relationship with ourselves. 3. Sin hurts our relationship with others. The story is not really about Adam and Eve. It is about US! God created us very good. Yet, we all sin. Catholic theologians call this Original Sin. –The propensity or tendency to sin. 1. Sin hurts our relationship with God. 2. Sin hurts our relationship with ourselves. 3. Sin hurts our relationship with others.
Genesis Ch. 4 Cain and Abel (Where did the women come from?) –The Bible never tells us this. Remember what genre this is? –MYTH Cain was a tiller of soil. (aka: farmer) Abel was a keeper of flocks. (aka: shepherd) This story is really poking fun at the Canaanites. (Where did the women come from?) –The Bible never tells us this. Remember what genre this is? –MYTH Cain was a tiller of soil. (aka: farmer) Abel was a keeper of flocks. (aka: shepherd) This story is really poking fun at the Canaanites.
God likes Abel’s offering better. Abel symbolizes the Jews. Even though Cain killed his brother, God does not want anything bad to happen to Cain. Fratricide = brother killing brother. Sin is spreading. God likes Abel’s offering better. Abel symbolizes the Jews. Even though Cain killed his brother, God does not want anything bad to happen to Cain. Fratricide = brother killing brother. Sin is spreading.
Genesis 5-10 Noah and The Flood Sin is spreading even further. Noah builds an ark. It rains for 40 days and nights. 40 symbolizes: “a really long time.” God makes a covenant with Noah. Animals go in 2 by 2 = –symbolizes “life is good; each species needs its complimentary partner.” Sin is spreading even further. Noah builds an ark. It rains for 40 days and nights. 40 symbolizes: “a really long time.” God makes a covenant with Noah. Animals go in 2 by 2 = –symbolizes “life is good; each species needs its complimentary partner.”
At the end, the bird comes back with a leaf in her mouth. The “bow” (rainbow) appears in the sky. –This symbolizes: “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all the mortal creatures that are on earth.” At the end, the bird comes back with a leaf in her mouth. The “bow” (rainbow) appears in the sky. –This symbolizes: “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all the mortal creatures that are on earth.”
Genesis 11 The Tower of Babel (Tell me your summary of the story.) Very similar to The Titanic April 1912 What was the famous pre-voyage quote? “This is such a great ship, GOD couldn’t even sink it.” In the story, humans were trying to BE God. (Important distinction from Genesis ch. 1: We are made in the image and likeness of God.) (Tell me your summary of the story.) Very similar to The Titanic April 1912 What was the famous pre-voyage quote? “This is such a great ship, GOD couldn’t even sink it.” In the story, humans were trying to BE God. (Important distinction from Genesis ch. 1: We are made in the image and likeness of God.)
Genesis 11 The Tower of Babel What is the only sin in the Bible that is unforgivable? A = Blasphemy –Thinking WE are God. This story makes more sense through the lens of the New Testament. What story is the opposite of The Tower of Babel? Pentecost –The Apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit and could speak many different languages.` –Why? –A = To spread the Good News of Jesus! What is the only sin in the Bible that is unforgivable? A = Blasphemy –Thinking WE are God. This story makes more sense through the lens of the New Testament. What story is the opposite of The Tower of Babel? Pentecost –The Apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit and could speak many different languages.` –Why? –A = To spread the Good News of Jesus!
End of Myth or Saga genre. But WHO wrote these stories? We don’t know their exact names, but biblical scholars have figured out some very important groups of writers. They call them J E D P But WHO wrote these stories? We don’t know their exact names, but biblical scholars have figured out some very important groups of writers. They call them J E D P