5S Perspective Digital Libraries Foundations Workshop at JCDL 2007 Vancouver – June 23 Edward A. Fox Virginia Tech, USA
Acknowledgements: Students Ghaleb Abdulla, Robert France, Marcos Gonçalves, Doug Gorton, Rohit Kelapure, Neill Kipp, Aaron Krowne, Yi Ma, Paul Mather, Uma Murthy, Ananth Raghavan, Unni. Ravindranathan, Ryan Richardson, Rao Shen, Ricardo da Silva Torres, Srinivas Vemuri, Seungwon Yang, Qinwei Zhu, …
Acknowledgements: Faculty, Staff Lillian Cassel, Lois Delcambre, Debra Dudley, Joanne Eustis, Weiguo Fan, James Flanagan, Sandy Grant, Eric Hallerman, Douglas Knight, Alberto Laender, David Maier, Manuel Perez- Quinones, Layne Watson, …
Other Collaborators (Selected) Brazil: FUA, UFMG, UNICAMP Case Western Reserve University DELOS and its many members Emory Germany: Univ. Oldenburg Portland State University
Acknowledgements: Support ACM, AOL, CAPES, CNI, DFG, IBM, IMLS, Microsoft, NDLTD, NLM, NSF (IIS , , , , , , ; ITR ; DUE , , , , , , , …), SUN, …
Outline 5S and Generating DLs –5S Framework –5S definitions, services taxonomy, ontology –5SL –5SGraph –5SGen (and DL development) –DL development of union DL –5SGen into DSpace 5S Metamodels –Minimal DL –Archaeology DL –CBIR DL –Union DL
5S and Generating DLs 5S Framework 5S definitions, services taxonomy, ontology 5SL 5SGraph 5SGen (and DL development) DL development of union DL 5SGen into DSpace
5S Framework for DLs serves as a basis for understanding (describing) and designing/developing digital libraries 5S’s: Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, and Societies defines a set of formal constraints and way of thinking about digital libraries
Informal 5S & DL Definitions DLs are complex systems that help satisfy info needs of users (societies) provide info services (scenarios) organize info in usable ways (structures) present info in usable ways (spaces) communicate info with users (streams)
The 5 S’s SsExamplesObjectives Streams Text; video; audio; image Describes properties of the DL content such as encoding and language for textual material or particular forms of multimedia data Structures Collection; catalog; hypertext; document; metadata Specifies organizational aspects of the DL content Spaces Measure; measurable, topological, vector, probabilistic Defines logical and presentational views of several DL components Scenarios Searching, browsing, recommending Details the behavior of DL services Societies Service managers, learners, teachers, etc. Defines managers, responsible for running DL services; actors, that use those services; and relationships among them
5S and DL formal definitions and compositions (April 2004 TOIS)
Ontology: Applications
5S Language (5SL) An XML-based language for declarative specification (by DL designers) and generation (using 5SGen) of digital libraries –how content is stored; –how that content is organized, structured, described, and accessed; –which services are offered by the library; and –how users use those services Uses known standards: –MIME types for file types, XML or RDF Schemas to define structure, –UIML (User Interface Markup Language) to define user interfaces, –UXF for Societies and Scenarios, and an XML version of UML (User Modeling Language) for other scenarios
5SGraph a graphical, domain specific digital library modeling tool addresses the time required to specify a DL textually in 5SL
Scenario model for ETANA-DL
5S related tools for DL development (incl. 5SGen)
5S related integration toolkit and process
5S and DSpace (Doug Gorton) We can apply 5S to DSpace’s object model, architecture, interface, and other aspects. We focus only on the major aspects of the software that are relatively easy to configure, either programmatically or manually in configuration files.
5S and DSpace (2) Having examined the DSpace software, we categorize its aspects based on the 5S model.
5SGen – Version 2: ODL, Services, Scenarios
5SGen Architecture dlGen application uses a config file, a DL schema, and a model that adheres to the schema SpecificDLGen class dynamically loads and uses the class specified in the config file All S related classes interact with the file system and DSpace through APIs
5SGen Architecture (2) In order to create structures, users, and other functions in a DSpace instance, we make use of DSpace’s APIs
Generation of the CSTC Collection Fed our complete specification to the dlGen generator tool to create the live DSpace DL including the CSTC collection Went very smoothly, throughout the process feedback was given as to progress, entire process took about 50 minutes
5S Metamodels Minimal DL Archaeology DL CBIR DL Union DL
5S definitional structure
Minimal archaeological DL in the 5S framework (A.i is from minimal DL, j is new)
StreamStructureSpaceServiceSociety Image Stream Feature Vector Image Descriptor Structured Featute Vector Image Content Description Image Digital Object Image Object User Info Need Image Collection Visualization Operation Content-based Image Searching Service Image Descriptor Metadata Catalog Composite Descriptor KNNQ RQ Minimal CBIR DL
Union DL Definitions A Minimal Union Digital Library integrated from n DLs is given as a four-tuple: MinUnionDL=(Union Repository, Union Catalog, Minimal Union Services, Union Society). DL Integration Problem Definition: Given n individual digital libraries (DL1, DL2, …, DLn), each defined as described above, to integrate the n DLs is to create a Union DL.
Member DLs of ETANA-DL
Architecture of ETANA-DL, with centralized catalog and partially decentralized repository
Summary 5S and Generating DLs –5S Framework –5S definitions, services taxonomy, ontology –5SL –5SGraph –5SGen (and DL development) –DL development of union DL –5SGen into DSpace 5S Metamodels –Minimal DL –Archaeology DL –CBIR DL –Union DL