Start It! Begin by formatting your letter using the proper format. Be sure all of your mailing information is accurate. Be clear about why you are writing by stating your purpose in a short, opening paragraph. If you are reacting to another writing, include the title, author, page number, and/or date.
Format It! First paragraph states opinion and/or reason for writing. Middle paragraph provides reasons, facts, examples, and explanations to support your opinion. Final paragraph states a clear request for action the writer wishes the reader to take.
Write It! Explain your position/opinion on the issue stated in your opening: State your views firmly, but politely. Back them up with reasons, facts, and logical arguments. You may make emotional appeals, but do not allow them to take the place of hard facts.
Finish It! If it is appropriate or possible, suggest possible solutions or actions that you think the readers should take. Make a copy of the letter and keep it for reference. Check over you letter for both content and mistakes (errors will detract from the letter’s effectiveness).
Apply It! The themes and issues presented in the anecdote “Signposts on the Journey” include: Parenting Helping others Luxuries Teen stereotypes Bullying A local issue of interest Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your concerns related to one of these issues.