If the senior class votes in the affirmative, then an invocation and benediction may be given by a student volunteer. However, the message must be nonsectarian and nonproseltyzing
Religiously oriented baccalaureate ceremonies may be held off school grounds and without school sponsorship.
Schools may release students for off-campus religious instruction.
Schools may set aside time for silent meditation or prayer
Students may not be allowed to conduct devotional readings over the school's public address system.
Neither the public school nor its employees may sponsor prayer at school or at extracurricular activies and athletic events
Athletes may pray before or after a game but the activity must no suggest that school officials are sponsoring or participating in the prayer
School choirs and bands may perform religious music and the programs may be performed in churches and other religious venues
Invocations at school sporting events are not permissible
Private School State cannot “force” a child to attend public school. Parents can use private school.
School finance Court mandated “equitable” school financing Robinhood: “recapture” from property wealthy schools.
School finance Disparity in tax base gives poorer children less money
Verbal agreements may not be legally binding.
Require to live in district (city)