Flow charts Preparations GA – PC and AG/CP Index
Flow chart - PC July August April May 1 week before General Assembly Installation of committees Election of Chairs, and assignment of mandates Implementation of and follow-up on mandates (Activity carried out throughout the year) Reports received from Committees and their working groups (includes draft resolutions and draft declarations Committees Election of vice chairs Work Plan Installation of groups (if applicable) Implementation of Work Plan Consideration of draft resolutions Work methods Establishment of deadlines for draft resolutions to be received Activities report (includes draft resolutions and draft declarations considered) General Committee (CP/CG) Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs (CAJP) Committee on Hemispheric Security (CSH) Committee on Inter-American Summits Management and Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities (CISC) Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (CAAP) Index
XX days before 45 days before 30 days before 15 days before 1 week before General Assembly Convening of the AG/CP Convened by the PC Chair Meeting of the AG/CP Draft agenda received (to sent to member states, Article 32) Meeting of AG/CP Deadline to receive reports of SUB.AAP and WG on Declaration Flow chart – AG/CP First Meeting of the AG/CP Deadline to make changes to the draft agenda (2/3 vote, Article 20) Timetable Installation of organs Election of officers ** Establishment of the order of precedence Draft declaration received*** SUB.TPSUB.AAPWG Declaration Draft agenda Draft schedule*** Procedures Budget ceiling Deliberations on draft Declaration Draft agenda to be sent to the member states Draft agenda to be approved by the AG/CP Meeting of the AG/CP Approval of the draft agenda (Article 20) Draft schedule Procedures Index