RHSC Meeting, London RHSC Meeting, London Tanzania : Contraceptive Security Committee Michael Mushi USAID, Tanzania
RHSC Meeting, London RHSC Meeting, London The Committee Tanzanian Contraceptive Security committee was established in 2004 with the following members: Ministry of Health (Head DRH, Head HIV/AIDS, Medical Stores Dept, Pharmaceutical Supplies Unit) Donors (UNFPA, USAID, WB, GTZ) NGOs (FPAT, Marie Stopes, Engenderhealth) Social Marketing Organisations (PSI, AED/T-MARK) TA Providers (JSI/DELIVER)
RHSC Meeting, London RHSC Meeting, London Functions of the Committee Tanzanian Contraceptive Security committee meets every two months and was the idea of USAID and received TA from DELIVER Functions: Monitoring of National Stock Status Review Social Marketing sales Advocate and review funding availability for Contraceptive procurement through basket funding Review Contraceptive Procurement Tables Advocate for Contraceptive Policy Changes
RHSC Meeting, London RHSC Meeting, London Contraceptive Security Committee Achievements. Change from Vertical Contraceptive programme to Integrated RH programme Identified gap in Supply Chain Management System Influenced the funding mechanism and procurement plans Monitoring of availability and distribution system Advocacy and policy changes Effective procurement by the MOH through the basket funding
RHSC Meeting, London RHSC Meeting, London Is the CSC important? It provides the opportunities to share RH supplies program issues and recommend solutions. Public sector meet the private sector and improve the relationships (transparency) Basket stakeholders meet the non-basket supporter. Technical program issues discussed and resolved. RHCS is not final decision making body ( finance, policy and political issues are resolved at different levels) Comprehensively representing former vertical groups (condom committee, donor contraceptive group etc.)
RHSC Meeting, London RHSC Meeting, London Challenges of the CSC in Tanzania It only focus on contraceptives and not all the commodities ( IUCD versus insertion kits) Strengthening RH systems Reproductive health commodity growing demand (funding, human resource etc) Competing other programs especially HIV/AIDS and Malaria. Global initiatives are mostly vertical challenging the integration efforts.
RHSC Meeting, London RHSC Meeting, London What are lesson learned for the RHS Coalition Initiative Increase the scope to include “Reproductive” and not only “Contraceptive”. (HIV/AIDS, Malaria) Support the on going policy changes. Innovative ways to compliment resources to improve RH supply systems. Improve the donor commitment for both basket and non-basket support. Provide flexibility in funding mechanisms.