Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Smartphone Application Advertising and Communication Management
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange many possibilities of development 2015 : 50% of people have a smartphone 2020 : 70% of people will have a smartphone Smartphone new way to communicate
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Application allowed to be present in new communication’s systems It’s a complement of others traditional advertisements like TV ads or posters Application as advertisement Use app as an interactive ad can be a great experience for the user The goal is to bring the user to become customer Companies use it to promote their products
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Application offers news tools than traditional communication’s support Use news technologies for create an interactive advertising Application as advertisement The company must provide some aspects for the application’s project : ImpactTimeBudget
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange StrengthsWeakness Audience can be all of smartphone’s users with a pike of people between years The weak for this kind of advertising is the user needs to download the application Many possibilities of advertising’s creation High cost of creation Customers can be targeted with segmentation
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Company create an application which uses augmented reality Pernod Group The goal is to throw ice cubes in your glass like basketball Company can show its new product through a funny and interactive game Pastis 51 Rosé New kind of communication
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange beat your high score and share it Create an account and win reductions Throw ice cubes anywhere
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Developer have 3 possibilities : - to propose paid app in stores to profitable the app - to propose free app without advertisements but this implies company have enough money to finance the development of the app - to propose free app, to attract more customers, with advertisements to profitable the app reality Advertisements in application A CRM file can be used to segmente and target a specific ad for a category of customers to optimize the impact of the ad
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Content Collaboration Customers want more options to share there opinion about products ex. : Starbuck White Cup Contest Definition Giving the customer the ability to contribute to content creation by delegating some of the brand-building responsibilities
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Collaboration Economy Definition Allows people to create their own physical goods as well as share their existing physical goods
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Uber easy to use (app) Lower costs > lower price Content collaboration : rate driver stars
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Instant Messaging Apps Amount of texts dropped with 18,4% Mobile internet usage increased with 52% Becoming more and more interesting for companies to advertise
Romain Alberino - Louis Deboutin - William de Lange Thanks for your attention