0002 Water and its role in the earth's processes: 1. identify the properties of water in its different physical states.
0002 Water and its role in the earth's processes: 2. analyze the water cycle and its relationship to various atmospheric conditions. Amazingly, all the water in lakes & rivers, water in rain & snow, water in our bathtub, shower, and drink bottles, amounts to only about 1% of the water in the world.
Ocean to Atmosphere –84% vapor from oceans; 16% from continents Atmosphere to Surface –Vapor cools, condenses & precipitates out in a week, or few hours or few centuries; depends. –77% precipitation falls on the oceans Surface to Ocean –23% of precipitation in water cycle meets our needs via “surface water” and “ground water.”
0002 Water and its role in the earth's processes: 3. identify major reservoirs of water on the earth (i.e., glaciers, lakes, groundwater, oceans) and their distribution Oceans contain 97% of Earth’s water Of the 3% of the Earth’s freshwater: –2.15% is locked away in glaciers and ice sheets –0.62% is groundwater, stored as soil moisture –0.009% is in rivers and lakes –0.001% is in the atmosphere
0002 Water and its role in the earth's processes: 4. demonstrate knowledge of the composition, location, and subsurface topography of the world's oceans.
0002 Water and its role in the earth's processes: 5. identify the causes and effects of waves, currents, and tides.
0002 Water and its role in the earth's processes: 6. demonstrate knowledge of freshwater resources.