Göran Holm Director of Research & Development, Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) Project Manager SMOCS
Background To develop BSR (Baltic Sea Region) in a sustainable way contributing to an extended interaction and co-operation sea transport is a key issue Dredging of fairways and ports have to be made and several million m 3 of sediments have to be dredged in the coming years A considerable part of the dredged sediments is contaminated with non- organic and/or organic contaminants (e.g. trace metals, dioxins, PCBs, PAHs, TBT) Dump of sediments at the sea normally not allowed Land disposal most expensive Initial projects show large potential for innovations regarding beneficial use of treated contaminated sediments and knowledge transfer to get a BSR approach (e.g. the stabilisation/solidification method) Baltic Ports & Environment Seminar Malmö 7 December 2010
Baltic Sea Region Programme Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
Baltic Ports & Environment Seminar Malmö 7 December 2010
Outcomes Guideline for management of contaminated sediments including handling alternatives Tool-box of treatment technologies, tools for assessment of sustainablity, decision support tools Field tests to validate, demonstrate and communicate emerging treatment methods under various conditions Permanent network for the management of contaminated sediments of BSR Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
WORK PACKAGES (1) NumberNameDescriptionWP-leader WP0PREPARATION ACTIVITIES Preparation of the project proposalSGI WP1PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Management and co-ordination of the project by LP and with help of Management Team SGI (lead partner, LP) WP2COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION Information to the project stakeholders of BSR about the project results and outcome in order to implement and commercialise the results. LTU WP3SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT OF HANDLING ALTERNATIVES Production of the methodology and examples to assess the sustainability of different alternatives for the management of contaminated sediments. LTU WP4INVESTIGATION OF CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS – SITUATION AND METHODS A comprehensive evaluation of the current contamination of the coastal areas, especially in the ports of BSR, testing of different mapping methods, and compiling of a review about the international, regional and national policies and legislation concerning contaminated sediments. MIG Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
WORK PACKAGES (2) NumberNameDescriptionWP-leader WP5NEW EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES – SOA AND NEW POTENTIAL State-of –the-Art review of the methods for handling contaminated sediments, and evaluation of the applicability and potential of different handling methods including new alternatives. The Focus is on the s/s (stabilisation/solidification) technology. Thus, the WP includes gathering information about the binder potential, commercial and recycled components, within BSR CORPI WP6VERIFICATION & DEMONSTRATION OF TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS The most important and innovative technologies and solutions for the management of contaminated sediments will be verified and demonstrated using laboratory and field tests. The focus is on the dredging, s/s-method and binder – contaminant efficiency. The field tests are carried out in Ports of Gävle, Kokkola and Gdynia, each port testing a different technology. LUT WP7GUIDELINE AND RECOMMENDATIONS The project results are compiled and integrated into comprehensive guideline and recommendations for the management of contaminated sediments. The guideline shall contain the expert knowledge of the project while being user-friendly. TUHH Baltic Ports & Environment Seminar
Dredging with environmental grab Transportation Process stabilisation Utilisation in harbour fillings Controlled Treatment of Contaminated Dredged Sediments for the Beneficial Use Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
stabilisation/solidification with mass stabilisation Nordsjö, Helsinki Ramboll Finland (2006) Stegeludden, Oxelösund, Sweden (2009) Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
stabilisation/solidification with process stabilisation in Port of Gävle
STABCON Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
Two keywords Holistic approach considering technology - economy – environment – social aspects - ecology Beneficial use of s/s-treted sediments Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
An example of the beneficial use of contaminated sediments Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
SMOCS will have impact on energy use and global warming ! Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
Project Manager Göran Holm Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) phone: , Financial Manager Communication Manager Anna Weiding Bo Svedberg Swedish Geotechnical Institute Luleå University of Technology phone: phone: Website: Budget 3, 465 MEuro 3 years end date Dec 16, 2012 Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010
SMOCS proposed to EU to be a Flagship project by EUSBSR priority 3 ”To reduce the use and impact of harzardous substances ” Baltic Ports & Environment SeminarMalmö 7 December 2010 Thank you for your attention!